Mon 27 Jan
NeW & LeaViN iN FeW DaYs SpeCiaLs PLaTiNuM BLoNde BarBie ( Freakiest Around N VerY Op3nminded - 19
(willoughby & Mentor area)
NeW BLoNde HeRe - Amazing HoT BodY ( New Pics) LeaVin In CoupLe Of DaYs - Specials - HUGE Boobz - 20
(willoughby & Mentor area)
Tue 21 Jan
♥ §®VIC ... Hå LåV'§ U Wih A §mil ♥ 100% fRe@kY ♥ CaLL nOw 4 SpecialS ! - 21
(Mentor/Willoughby AREA)
♥ §®VIC ... Hå LåV'§ U Wih A §mil ♥ 100% fRe@kY ♥ CaLL nOw 4 SpecialS ! - 21
(Mentor/Willoughby AREA)
♥ §®VIC ... Hå LåV'§ U Wih A §mil ♥ 100% fRe@kY & ReAdY ♥ $100 FlaT RaTe - 21
(Mentor/Willoughby AREA)
▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥ The BEST ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥( . ) ( . ) ♥ ▃▅▆██▆▅▃ ♥AVAILABLE NOW 24/7 ♥ - 25
(Cleveland, Westside)
***♥[[ SNEAK ]] ♥[[ AWAY AND COME PLAY ]] ♥*100% REAL PIXS - 21
(Cleveland, willoughby /mentor area incall/outcalls)
** NO GAMES NO B/S ** **** All Nite All day *** *** OUTCALLS AVI. - 24
(Cleveland, WILLOUGHBY,MENTOR all area Outcalls)
NeW PLaTiNuM BLoNde SexY BodY 4 Ft 11in SpeciaLs Op3nMinded (LeaVin ReallY SooN) - 19
(willoughby & mentor area)
NeW SouThErN BLoNdE ( AppLe - BoTToM ) & HUGE boobz ( LeaVin In CoupLe Of DaYs) SpeciaLs - 20
(willoughby & Mentor area)
💜💚💖💞💝🌹🌹💎🌺 let me cater to you. Open minded babe just for you 💦💦💦💦 - 27
(Cleveland, Mentor Willoughby area incall)
Wed 08 Jan
NeW BLoNde HeRe - Amazing HoT BodY ( New Pics) LeaVin In CoupLe Of DaYs - Specials - HUGE Boobz - 20
(willoughby & Mentor area)
Tue 07 Jan
*wE cAn mAkE aLL uR DrEaMs CoMe TrUe* * 2 GoRgEoUs EbOnYs * * ReaDy To aTTaCk yOu* - 21
(WiLLoUgHbY mEnToR Area 24hr In//OuT)
♥ §®VIC ... Hå LåV'§ U Wih A §mil ♥ 100% fRe@kY & ReAdY ♥ $100 FlaT RaTe - 21
(Mentor/Willoughby AREA)
BACK IN TOWN for a limited time **** SwEeT *** SeXy *** and very DiScReEt **** ask about my specials - 25
(willoughby// mentor area)
Mon 06 Jan
* -:¦:- * REAL PICS! * -:¦:- ALL AMERICAN BLONDE! -:¦:- {{ RIGHT NOW }} - 24
(Mentor/Willoughby Area *)
T=o=P * N =o=T=c=H * R=e=D=b=O=n=E ( ~SeXy nEw PiCs~ ) * U=n=D=e=N=i =A=b=L=e * S=k=I =l=L=s - 18
(Cleveland, MenTor // WiLLouGhBy Area 24hr IncaLLs)
Sun 05 Jan
NeW SouThErN BLoNdE ( AppLe - BoTToM ) & HUGE boobz ( LeaVin In CoupLe Of DaYs) SpeciaLs - 20
(willoughby & Mentor area)
SWEETHEARTS ESCORTS** We Have the HOTTEST Ladies Who Make the MOST Money!** Work With the Very BEST!
(Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Work Locally, tour or in South Florida!)
-:+:- ?°° WHaTeVeR iT °rEQuiReS ° ILL DEliVeR ° ° yOUr DeSirEs °° ? ?° -:+:- ° - 20
(Mentor/Willoughby area in/outcall)
Sat 04 Jan
NeW PLaTiNuM BLoNde SexY BodY 4 Ft 11in SpeciaLs Op3nMinded (LeaVin ReallY SooN) - 19
(willoughby & mentor area)
NeW & LeaViN iN FeW DaYs SpeCiaLs PLaTiNuM BLoNde BarBie ( Freakiest Around N VerY Op3nminded - 19
(willoughby & Mentor area)
** NO GAMES NO B/S ** **** All Nite All day *** *** OUTCALLS AVI. - 24
(Cleveland, WILLOUGHBY,MENTOR all area Outcalls)
Fri 03 Jan
♥ _______ BaCk iN ToWn!! *[GoRgEoUs ♥ SuNsHiNe]* ExCeLLeNt ReViEwS!! ________ ♥ - 25
(Cleveland, [[ MeNtOr/WilloUgHbY Area ]])
♥ __ 100% REAL PICS!!! - - - - BLONDE - - - - AvAiLAbLe ALLLL DaY!!! __ ♥ - 24
(*Willoughby/mentor* Area incall)
💜💚💖💞💝🌹🌹💎🌺 let me cater to you. Open minded babe just for you 💦💦💦💦 - 27
(Cleveland, Mentor Willoughby area incall)
{{ BLONDE }} ___ [♥] ___ !! HOT HOT pICs !! ___ [♥] ___ {{ UP LATE!! }} - 24
(willoughby/mentor area)
(¯`'.¸+ BEAUTIFUL + ¸.'´¯) (¯`'.¸+ AMAZING + ¸.'´¯) (¯`'.¸+ BOMBSHELL (SPECIALS) - 20
(Mentor/Willoughby area in/outcall)
* -:¦:- * REAL PICS! * -:¦:- ALL AMERICAN BLONDE! -:¦:- {{ RIGHT NOW }} - 24
(Mentor/Willoughby Area *)
♥ _______ L@sT Ch@nCe!!! *[GoRgEoUs ♥ SuNsHiNe]* ExCeLLeNt ReViEwS!! ________ ♥ - 25
(Cleveland, [[ Mentor/Willoughby Area ]])
T=o=P * N =o=T=c=H * R=e=D=b=O=n=E ( ~SeXy nEw PiCs~ ) * U=n=D=e=N=i =A=b=L=e * S=k=I =l=L=s - 18
(Cleveland, MenTor // WiLLouGhBy Area 24hr IncaLLs)
*wE cAn mAkE aLL uR DrEaMs CoMe TrUe* * 2 GoRgEoUs EbOnYs * * ReaDy To aTTaCk yOu* - 21
(WiLLoUgHbY mEnToR Area 24hr In//OuT)
Thu 02 Jan
-:+:- ?°° WHaTeVeR iT °rEQuiReS ° ILL DEliVeR ° ° yOUr DeSirEs °° ? ?° -:+:- ° - 20
(Mentor/Willoughby area in/outcall)
***♥[[ SNEAK ]] ♥[[ AWAY AND COME PLAY ]] ♥*100% REAL PIXS - 21
(Cleveland, willoughby /mentor area incall/outcalls)