Mon 27 Jan
X*X*X*tremely Busty Highest Quality Talent - ! ^__^ Can't be TOPPED! NAUGHTY w/ JUiCY B*O*O*T*Y* - 21
(Downtown Incalls/LOCAL OUT)
Mz.Helena InTown 🍑★]New Pics »—» 100%Real[★💎 ONE OF A KIND 💄★]»Don't Miss Your Chance With me - 20
(Cleveland, Cleveland Surrounding Area)
██ █ ▓ ▒ ★█ EUCLID OHIO SPECIAL! ArabicMix Exotic BBW - 21
4 U STRAIGHT but CuRIoUS MeN OnLy. VISITINg NoW TraNsseXuaL BoMbSheLL WhaT U C is WhaT u WiLL GeT - 25
(Cleveland, DoWnToWn CLeVeLanD °♥ViSiTinG NoW)
Highly Attractive Girl Next Door Females Needed For Theasia Girls Models! Huge Money Same Day - 29
(North East Ohio)
thicker cuter and Better than all the rest equals the best - 21
(Youngstown, Youngstown and surrounding areas)
Visiting ♥ 1OO% Rεaℓ ♥ ▬KIM ♥Ebony ßεαuty ♥Ready Now♥ #1 Pℓαγmαtε ♥ ▬▬ - 21
(Cleveland, Visiting Ohio Now)
💋💋 SEXY SNOWBUNNY 💋💋 Ready to play! TEXT now ! - 21
(Cleveland, Outcall & Incall NO African American Men)
😘New Girl "BLONDIE"😘 Here to satisfy ur EVERY NEED! Come experience FRESH MEAT! 😘 - 27
(Cleveland, Strongsville)
😘New Girl "LUCKY"😘 Visiting for one week only! Come experience FRESH MEAT! 😘 - 27
(Cleveland, Strongsville)
NEW _-:¦:-_ EXOTIC HOTTIE! _-:¦:-_ 100% REAL! _-:¦:-_ RARE QUALITY - 21
(cleveland/suburbs incall or outcall)
ou Don't Need A Pool, ██ ██ When You Experience My Florida Touch - 18
(Incall/Outcall 100-120 Per Hr)
Mz.Helena InTown 🍑★]New Pics »—» 100%Real[★💎 ONE OF A KIND 💄★]»Don't Miss Your Chance With me - 20
(Cleveland, Cleveland Surrounding Area)
███ ❤ ★❤★❤ MISSED MY FLIGHT! ADULT STAR ★ #1 Worlds Biggest- B_O_O_T_Y _C_H_E_E_K_S ★❤★ 46EEE ❤★ bbw - 33
(Cleveland, Cleveland - Upscale- Safe- Clean)
Tue 21 Jan
▓▒░ *.• U HaVe NeVeR HaD SoMETHiNG LiKE ME •.* ░▒▓ 100% REAL ▓▒ *.•* ReaDy 2 B ENJOYED NOW !! *.•* - 22
(Dayton, Dayton Mall Incalls)
thicker cuter and Better than all the rest equals the best - 21
(Youngstown, Youngstown and surrounding areas)
Sl¡p N Sl¡dє... ₩!Th A° ((SmacKaBle)) "B"oO"ty ♡100% Real Woman ♡ ★SK¡LL€D L¡PS & T¡GHT GR¡PS♥♥♥♥♥ - 24
(Columbus, North Columbus Worthington Upscale)
Columbus, it's ur LUCKY day! ♡ Sweet and Petite ♡ Lita in Lacy Lingerie is visiting ♡ reviewed~♡ - 23
(Columbus, NORTH 71/161)
Visiting ♥ 1OO% Rεaℓ ♥ ▬KIM ♥Ebony ßεαuty ♥Ready Now♥ #1 Pℓαγmαtε ♥ ▬▬ - 21
(Cleveland, Visiting Ohio Now)
Who 👄says you 💦Can't have your 🍰 & Eat it too 🍾Europe☎️ - 28
(Cleveland, out🏎 visa or MasterCard or cash donation)
🌴Visiting ✈️Total Package💦Let be your 💋New Year Resolution❣ - 27
(Cleveland, out🏎 visa or MasterCard or cash donation)
NeW ViSiTiNg ⭐️🌟 MiXeD BusTy 34D BomBsHeLL ⭐️⭐️ AvAilAble N0W -- ReAl PhOtOs!! - 25
(Airport, Cleveland)
X*X*X*tremely Busty Highest Quality Talent - ! ^__^ Can't be TOPPED! NAUGHTY w/ JUiCY B*O*O*T*Y* - 21
(Downtown Incalls/LOCAL OUT)
Who 👄says you 💦Can't have your 🍰 & Eat it too 🍾Europe☎️ - 28
(Cleveland, out🏎 visa or MasterCard or cash donation)
🌴Visiting ✈️Total Package💦Let be your 💋New Year Resolution❣ - 27
(Cleveland, out🏎 visa or MasterCard or cash donation)
*******Visiting from California- 36DD Blonde Nordic Vixen- Hips, Lips and Whips!****** - 29
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland, Mansfield, Near West Side Cleveland, Sandusky, Youngstown)
"ViSiTinG NoW((FoR ThoSe CuRiouS BuT StraiGhT GuYs)) IM a SeXy TRANSSEXUAL BomBSheLL LeTs PARTY!!!!" - 25
☆ ☆___ V I P Treatment ___☆ Visiting Now☆ - - 24
(Cleveland Independence, Beachwood area)
*thanx* 517-917-8598 mature UpScale blonde. '''limited time''' DON'T MISS OUT ........ review me!!! - 27
(mature men around CLEVELAND +call!)
•^~•♥•~^~ $ special today ONLY ╠*★* *★* by Christina FIRM OUTCALLs
(Cleveland, ALL DAY INCALL outcalls Independence)
***sl!PPeR¥ 70 $PCl$*** 2or1 -THICKK sexy R3D lilBABY- ^°mixed RARE exotic BEAUTY °^ √•2GIRLS•√ OR1* - 20
(Cleveland, Garfeild Hts-BROADWAY Rd** i480- OUT)
〓❤〓〓NEW YOUNG & BEAUTY Asian Girl 〓〓❤〓 PANSY 〓❤〓〓 100% real 513-725-0890 - - 22
(Cleveland, Your Asian dream girl new in Cleveland)
New Sexy Brunnette. Available Now. Celeste. Visiting the Cleveland area. - 22
(Cleveland, Willoughby Wickliffe area. incall outcal)
New Photos ! Erotic Vixen Visiting Cleveland Today Scheduling now....... - 24
(Cleveland, Independence Cleveland Incall Only!!)
LAST NITE IN TOWN[[-XxX-]] SUPER [[-XxX-]] SWEET [[-XxX-]] NyMPHO [[-XxX-]] FREAK [[-XxX-]] 100 HH - 21
(Airport Area 24hr incall/outcall)
Sat 11 Jan
(( H O T )) *R E A L* ___ { AsiAn } ___ :B A R B i E: ___ {=New in town=} Come play now...... - 24
(Cleveland, Upscale Airport area.. this weekend ONLY)
Fri 10 Jan
•^~•♥•~^~ Incall.. HEART ~^~RACiNG ~^~ ╠*★* BODY RUBS*★* by Angel 200 &up; FIRM OUTCALL - 21
(Cleveland, Incall/Outcall Discretion)
Thu 09 Jan
It's CARAMEL!!!!! Im READY and WILLING to do WATEVER!!!! 24/7~ IN/OUT~CALLS!!! - 20
(Cleveland, Middleburg Heights Engle RD)
2 GIRL SPCECIALS CALL RIGHT NOW!! massages / lapdances / QUALITY time Latina Cuties 3303217606 - 19
(Mansfield, mansfield incalls/outcalls)
Tue 07 Jan
Columbus, it's ur LUCKY day! ♡ Sweet and Petite ♡ Lita in Lacy Lingerie is visiting ♡ reviewed~♡ - 23
(Columbus, NORTH 71/161)
❤〓〓NEW YOUNG & BEAUTY Asian Girl 〓〓❤〓 PANSY 〓❤〓〓 100% real 513-725-0890 - - - 22
(Cleveland, Last 4 days in Cleveland Asian girl)