Sat 22 Feb
💖hot and horny✨asian love 312-776-5575 hot asian💋fuck my 𝘽𝘼𝘾𝙆𝘿𝙊𝙊𝙍-bbbj 💙🍑💜 swallow, anal, facial💦😅wanna juicy🍓pink🍓wet🍓pussy💦💦what we give you!🌽🌽
(Cleveland, US)
Mon 27 Jan
★ Y∅U'v∈ ⓣⓡⓘⓔⓓ Th€ Re§t ★♡ N∅W C∅Me ⓣⓡⓨ Th∈ Be§t⛔STOP✋SeXy BloNdE BⓔTTⓔR THAN HⓔR⇧AND HⓔR⇩👑🐝*✨ - 25
(Cleveland, 💙Eastside incall only💙ℭ)
Up ALL NIGHT🌠 * Blonde Ready to make your morning 💋 24-7 💎12165081338 - 27
(Cleveland, NOW EASTSIDE)
◆♥♥♥❀♥♥♥◆ — TWO FOR ONE SPECIALS ▶ SEXY REDHEAD and SLENDER BRUNETTE~ 2 for 1 specials! ——◆♥♥♥ ❀♥♥♥◆ - 21
TOP QUALITY ON 💯✔️ Sweet & Sexy 😍😘 100% Real Pics Come Out 2 Play 👅💦 Call Me 📞 - 22
(Cleveland, Cleveland hts)
New To Town!!!! SEXY & A Lot of FUN!!!! Easter Night Specials >>>Hurry the night is almost over... - 26
(Middleburg Heights 71/Bagley Rd)
°o♥ (D3$T!NY @W@!T$) ★ ($M!LE) °★ (9O $PEC!@L) ★ (Y0UR F@NT@$Y) °o♥ - 27
(Cleveland, Cleveland, Ohio; Private; Destiny; 24/ 7)
New to the biz!!! LaSt DaY HeRe!!SeXY FreAkY SOUTHERN DIVA (24/7 ) - 19
(WiCkLiFFE (24/7hrs) incall)
NEW 🌹🌹▃ ▅ ▆ █🌹 █ ▆ ▅ ▃ ★PhAt AZZ & NiCe TITZ★▃ ▅ ▆ █🌹 █ ▆ ▅ ▃ 🌹🌹 ★ ★💋♡ AMAZING CURVES 💋♡★ ★ - 19
(Cleveland, ★::: Outcall 100 $pclz:::★)
★Mixed Exotic F!3xAb!3 Freaky All ReAdYy fOr You ☆†Õ€ CUrL¡NG ☆ H¡GHL¥ §K¡LL €Ð ☆ Aw§oM€L¥ RevIew3D☆ - 23
(Cleveland, incalls west airport area 24hrs)
Malynn💣 finest chocolate drop around 💯% real babe🎬 - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland Willoughby in/ out everywhere)
```` Jessica ....HOttie with a body!! wants 2 be bad *** 80$ specials... ::::::xoxo - 26
(Cleveland, WESTSIDE, ALL OVER..)
its Minnie Mariah ... 100% real pictures😝 the best call you will make all day❤ - 19
(Cleveland, INCALLS ONLY near 271 & 480)
——-—K I N K Y *—•— SWEET —•— *E—B—O—N—Y* —-•-— BEAUTY —-•— —•— ALL NEW **INCALLS ONLY**! - 19
(Cleveland, Westside of cleveland)
Jen..,5'5" ,112lb, FULL GFE, Brunette.. Stop wasting your time on 5s when you can have a 10!!!
Its Early Let Me B Tha Bird That Finds Ur Worm //Rainy Day Specials AllDay * !!!! - 23
(Cleveland, Airport Area //SPECIALS)
(Cleveland, MY PLACE WEST)
*[[* ExOtiC PuErTo RiCaN MaMii *]]* ___24-Hrs! ___ *[[* Sooo B(O)(O)Ti - LiCiOuS!!! *]]* - 26
(:::: iNdEpEnDeNcE//ArEa :::::)
💄💄💄💄👠👠👠double the fun Warrensville 2163779061 or 2167723628 - 20
(Cleveland, incall💋💋👅👅👅👅Northfield)
💋💋End Your Summer☀️With A Bang💥I Aim💢To Please💦💋💋out calls only - 22
(Akron/Canton, Akron/Canton/streetsboro /Cleveland/airp)
♡♡♡♡BRAND NEW TO CLEVELAND ♡♡CARMEL♡♡ (melts in your mouth and your hands).. - 27
(Cleveland, cleveland and surrounding)
440-653-0784... !! 440-653-0784 ... In&Out...24;/7 - 25
(Cleveland, In,Out-Lorain, Cleveland and surrounding)
70 70 an more discreet comfy fun come treat yourself like the king u Are/ specials an more - 22
(Cleveland, Shaker square area your place or mine)
70♥ █ ♥ L e T ♥ M E ♥70 B l o W ♥ U ♥ A w a Y ♥70 W/ m Y ♥ A M A Z I N G ♥ SKILLS █70Spec - 27
(Cleveland, West Cleveland)
330.445.0370 ★ CAUTION ★ HIGHLY ADDICTIVE ★ 100 Special ★ - 22
(Cleveland, Cuyahoga Lorain & Lake Outcalls)
[[ 1oO% ~ RAL]] ♥[[ SxY ]] __ [[ ßÂUi FUL ]] ♥[[ SuPr KiNk¥! ]] - 19
(Cleveland, {{Cleveland Heights}})
100 SpEciAl _GORGEOUS :bLoNdE: LATINA!!!! *ReAdY aNd WiLLiNg!* __NO RUSH BABY!__ ((24hrs)) ♥ - 27
(Cleveland, AiRpORt ArEa)
*100$*hr █ █☞ L ⓞ ⓞ K ☞ WaTCH ME B0UNCE Th!S BiG BOOTY B@Ck! █ █ (•♥• outcall •• •• Specials - 19
(Cleveland, ★::: OUTCALL ONLY :::★)
Yanna & Charmin - *Your wish is our command*. we want to please you tonight.
(Cleveland, westside of cleveland)
SWEET LEXUS You Will Not Believe My Specials Available Now 100% My Pics I know How To Entertain - 32
(Columbus, Eastside)
!SuPeR sPeCiAlS! Sexy white girl -KiLlEr MoUtH sKiLlS-50 RoSe SpEcIaLs - 24
(Cleveland, warrensville incalls only)
❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤ ❤❤❤❤❤ YOUR ✿ Sexy ✿ Asian ✿ Playmate ✿ is ✿ HERE!!! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤ - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland/Akron)