Mon 27 Jan
*** Mature, Classy, & Of Course Sexy Lady in town *** Honesty *** - 30
(Cleveland, Lorain county incall only)
Bring 2015 in with a BANG! Visit Vivian "Viv" NOW! (440) 390-3226 - 24
(Cleveland, Lorain County / Elyria INcall only)
SSBBW ***Stasia*** is here to help your week get off to a great start! *Specials* - 36
(Cleveland, Elyria-Lorain County Incall ONLY)
NEW 💗💗💗 SPECIAL SEXY 🔴 ASIAN GIRL🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 🔴🔴 INCALL 🔴🔴🔴🔴🔴 I am new here today - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland, Miidleburg heights)
📷NEW PICS📷..All Day specials, including 2 girl, new number💋💋💋 - 24
(Cleveland, Elyria Lorain county *incall only*)
LOOK.... 60 Special!! SeXy -:¦:- aDoRaBLe -:¦:- aMaZiNG -:¦:- aDDiCTiVe BeAuTy -:¦:- *60 Special!! - 27
(Cleveland, Cleveland-((INCALL ONLY)))
*** Mature, Classy, & Of Course Sexy Lady in town *** Honesty *** - 30
(Cleveland, Lorain county incall only)
👅🍆💦Let Me Clear Your Mind💦🍆👅 _ 👄[[❤️HiGHlY 👀 REViEWED❤️]👄 _ 👅🍆💦 _ 👸BeAuTiFuL LoNg LeGgED BlOnDE👸 _ 💦🍆👅 - 24
(Cleveland, 👅💦🍆Lorain County INCALL Only🍆💦👅)
Let me help you come out of 2014 with a BANG! Visit Vivian "Viv" NOW! (440) 390-3226 - 24
(Cleveland, Lorain County / Elyria INcall only)
Tue 21 Jan
💦👄 NeW SeXy YoUnG & lots of fun!👌REVIEWED, real, & ReAdY*******💧🎀~~~~~YoUr PeRsOnAl StRiPpEr💘💎 - 19
(Columbus, East Side Brice Rd.)
BRAND NEW!!! *BeAuTiFuL SsBbW* Stasia *Every Real Man's Fantasy* Ready To Be Your Secret* - 36
(Cleveland, Elyria-Lorain Co Incall ONLY)
Young and ready. Curvaceous natural and nasty.! 100.oo special - 19
(Cleveland, Lorain city incall only .!)
(Cleveland, *.*.* BEACHWOOD *.*.*)
❌✖️ŁËÅVÏŃG ŠÖØÑ✖️❌🍃🌸Let Me Clear Your Mind🌸🍃 [[HiGHlY REViEWED✏✔️]] ♦️👸BeAuTiFuL LoNg LeGgED BlOnDE👸♦️ - 24
(Cleveland, 👅💦🍆Lorain County INCALL Only🍆💦👅)
Young and ready. Curvaceous natural and nasty.! 100.oo special - 19
(Cleveland, Lorain city incall only .!)
WOW!!! MY BoDy IS YoUr ★ SEXY SMOKN H0TT ☂ CoMe __ ☂ RaIn __ OR ☂ __SHINE ☀ - 25
(Cleveland, ((( •♥•WILLOUGHBY AREA //OFF 90•♥• ))))
Valentines DaY CoMe GeT thEsE SpecIaLs asap - 25
(Cleveland, cleveland area outcalls & in call avail.)
★ Visiting *: ★ :* Petite *: ★ :* Mulato *: ★ :* Doll ★ - 20
(♛ airport area ♛)
Sat 11 Jan
CreAm LaFlaIr is BacK all new valentines day specials , call now - 25
(Cleveland, w/parma/middleburg incall & outcall)
Fri 10 Jan
50__ The RaiN isnt the only thing DriPPing_Ebony with a Body _50 ⭐🌟 50 🔷❇⭐ 50 🌟🔷❇⭐🌟 50 🔷❇⭐🌟50 - 23
(Cleveland, LORAIN/ELYRIA IN/OUT _50 🌟)
🌻🌺 50.oo East incall only 🌺🌻sumeR Tyme explosioN🌻🌺 50.oo fun time with 🌺 🌻🌺 curvaceous beauty 🌻🌺 - 25
(Cleveland, Lorain county incall only !! 50 😜👅💦)
Thu 09 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
**Yur lil Secret**Sexc Ryder** petite, freak nd Discrete..24hr 60hh till 12am call me... - 21
(Cleveland, cleve, westside fairview airport area)
☆ (¯I'M BAcK BoYS★LoVe Older men♥] TAN BUsTY *PuErTO RICaN — BLoNDe [♥] LoVe To PaRty BiG BoOty ★ - 21
(Cleveland, Lorain county 24hr incall only)
New pics of my Baby Face💋👍 Thick In All The Rite Places👅👅👍 Busty Scarlet Rose🌹100% REAL PHOTOS💓💚💓 - 27
(Cleveland, Lorain county Incall only)
^%^% JUST * INCASE * you * WOKE * up * on * the * WRONGSIDE * of * the BED!!! {{{IM THE RIGHT SIDE}} - 24
***Experience Real Passion Back in a couple of weeks *** see u then - 30
(Cleveland, Lorain county incall only)
BRAND NEW!!! *BeAuTiFuL SsBbW* Stasia *Every Real Man's Fantasy* Ready To Be Your Secret* - 36
(Cleveland, Elyria-Lorain Co Incall ONLY)
UpScale Care Lorains finest curvy, Sexy, Busty Scarlet Rose🌹100% REAL PHOTOS💓💚💓 - 27
(Cleveland, Lorain county Incall only)
Mon 06 Jan
Sexy JAPANESE ▄▄█ NOW █▀▀█ █▄▄█ 614-907-4184 █▀▀█ █▄▄█ LOW RESTRICTIONS! ██ - - 24 - 24
(Akron/Canton, Sexy Asain girl first time in town)
UpScale Care Lorains finest curvy, Sexy, Busty Scarlet Rose🌹100% REAL PHOTOS💓💚💓 - 27
(Cleveland, Lorain county Incall only)
🌀🔹🌀🔹🌀🔹🌀🔹🌀🔹🌀FIRST DAY💄✨💄✨COLLEGE GIRL💄✨💄✨KOREAN🌀🔹🌀🔹🌀🔹🌀🔹🌀🔹🌀 - 21
(Cleveland, 🌀🌀Brookpark rd……Cleveland🌀🌀)
(•ิ_•ิ) °•○●CHASITY●○•° 🍃🌸Let Me Clear Your Mind💞💞💞💞🌸🍃 [HiGHlY REViEWED😏✔️] °•○●ŤåłľMøð뾍ýpë●○ (•ิ_•ิ) - 24
(Cleveland, 👅💦🍆Lorain County INCALL Only🍆💦👅)
Sexiest Lorain Lover Kelsy K.🌹REAL Pics 4405412312 - 27
(Cleveland, Lorain Incall only not cleve not)
* G©©D EvEniNg * St@Rt Y©uR D@Y Off RiGht * WitH @ SwEeT tre@t & PriCeS U C@nt Be@t SpEci@ls - 18
(Cleveland, NEAR AIRPORT 24/7 Gu@r@teed 2 le@ve :))
Come Have Some 5star Adult Fun Today With A Sexy Thick Goddess 4403997513 - 28
(Cleveland, Lorain Incall only not cleve not)
#Happy4thOfJuly🎉✨🎊 I WaNnA LiGhT Ur FiReCrAcKeR & »FeEl« iT ExPloDe🎊✨#LetsCelebrate 🎉✨🎊 - 24
(Cleveland, 🎉🌟🎊Lorain County INCALL Only🎉🌟🎊)
🍒💧🍒 Beautiful AfricaN QueeN with an AmazinG JuiCy BodY 🍒💧🍒 70special 247 🍒💧🍒 - 23
(Cleveland, Sheffield / lorain incall only.)
Let Me Be Your Perfect Getway !!! $100 SAFE & DISCREET CHOICE..[HOLLY] 330-564-7406 - 28
(Akron/Canton, 1608 EAST AVE AKRON OHIO 44314)
Sun 05 Jan
SSBBW ***Stasia*** is here to help your week get off to a great start! *Specials* - 36
(Cleveland, Elyria-Lorain County Incall ONLY)
♦️💋Elite PreMite CoMpanion💋💄 IN~ CA££s ✨⭕️UT Ca££S ✨ ViSiting✨⚪️UT ~ C@££s 💎.....CALL Now 📞💥 - 30
(Cleveland, Lorain County ~ InCa££)
!!! Attention Gentlemen !!! Hot, Sexy, and Beautiful from HEAD to TOE... Take a look 👓👓 - 35
(Cleveland, Lorain county incall only)
♦️💋Elite PreMite CoMpanion💋💄 IN~ CA££s ✨⭕️UT Ca££S ✨ ViSiting✨⚪️UT ~ C@££s 💎.....CALL Now 📞💥 - 30
(Cleveland, Lorain County ~ InCa££)
theCANDY SHOP© IZ OPEN... Lunchtime specials. juiccy and deliccious.. the BEST menu 216-925-7894 - 19
(Cleveland, Parma/Independ./richmond/west side/east)
50/100 SPECIALS ツ (((((( PeTiTe or cuRvY CHOCOLATE SEDUCTION .!!! ))))) available now - 25
(Cleveland, Lorain county incall ONLY)
▂▃🆕BreAthTaKING 😈🌟🌸BuBble👅Ᏸմϯϯ💋 eXoTic 🐰🌟🌸 💋 ®eD Bon£💋🌟🌸 B💣MBSHELL 🐝🌟🌸 ViSiTiNG 🆕▃▂ - 23
(Cleveland, Independence/rockside rd)
♦️💋SpeCials Al Day 💋💄 IN~ CA££s ✨⭕️UT Ca££S ✨ ViSiting✨⚪️UT ~ C@££s 💎.....CALL Now 📞💥 - 30
(Cleveland, WeStSiDe Lorain Cleveland ~ InCa££)
❌✖️ŁËÅVÏŃG ŠÖØÑ✖️❌🍃🌸Let Me Clear Your Mind🌸🍃 [[HiGHlY REViEWED✏✔️]] ♦️👸BeAuTiFuL LoNg LeGgED BlOnDE👸♦️ - 24
(Cleveland, 👅💦🍆Lorain County INCALL Only🍆💦👅)
Sat 04 Jan