Mon 27 Jan
They say its the best in the morning... Let me be your secret get a way...Sexy Yarrah.... Specials!! - 20
(Cleveland, Wickliffe)
Im a fantasy that you have been waiting to check off your bucket list!!! - 24
(Cincinnati, Florence, KY)
NEW PICS**SPECIALS 11/7 10a-11p** CoMe N See Why I'M the BaDDeST B**CH w/5 StAr SeRvIcE CALL NOW!! - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield htsr)
ou Don't Need A Pool, ██ ██ When You Experience My Florida Touch - 18
(Incall/Outcall 100-120 Per Hr)
⭐Mrs.Sarah 🌟Exotic Ebony Babe 🌟 lorain county 🌟Juicy W E T FreaFreak - 23
(Cleveland, Outcall Incall Lorain Co No black meN)
LonG DaY ? ReLaX W/ CreAm LaFlaIR ``````` CrAzY SpEcIaLs~~~ caLL NoW - 25
(Cleveland, EuClId~MeNTor~WiLLoughby incall & outcal)
Tue 21 Jan
BROOKLYN Experience slippery ready to PLAY!!!!! UPSCALE MEN ONLY!!!! 2163102204 No gag Reflex - 22
(Cleveland, West Cleveland)
ThIs EbOnY BeAuTy Is A plEaSE NoT A TeAsE! ° °• HoT, CuRvY, FrEaKy!!! *60 Spc!* - 27
(Cleveland, Cleveland-((INCALL ONLY)))
Sat 11 Jan
☸ (◕◡◕) ☸ {{ I'M AVAILABLE 24/7!!! }} ——— {{ NEW FREAKY HOLIDAY SPECIALS!!! }} ☸ (◔◡◔) ☸ - 26
(Cleveland, ✉INCALL ONLY!✉☵♋ INTERSTATE 90 & 271 ♋☵)
Thu 09 Jan
Tue 07 Jan
Mon 06 Jan
Beautiful black pretty young thing. Natural busty 34E 20years old. Body by milk:) - 20
(Cleveland, Maple Heights- 10 min from downtown.)
Sun 05 Jan
75 1/2hr ██ Hot Jiggle Booty Florida BombShell Ebony College Girl ██ - 18
(Incall-Airport Starting at 75 1/2hr)
•• SUNDAY SPECIAL!•• TASTY TREAT •• X-RaTeD FrEaK •• SwEEt && DiScReeT •• PreTTy. YoUnG. ThiCk•• - 21
SexY CoLLeGe GirL **** BeST SeRvIcE **** REAL PICTURES!!!!!!!!!!!!!**** PrOmISe ****Call Me Now **** - 20
Happy School Year!!!!! The One And Only Mz. Tiffany Is Back With New Country-Fried Trivia
(Cleveland and eastern suburbs)
"mS. sEdUcTiOn" ×°x°× "iS" ×°x°× "sOOoo" ×°x°× "WeTT" ×°x°× "&" ×°x°× "TeNdEr" - 21
(****Willoughby Area*****)
Planning a trip to Cleveland? Call Chrissy Kisses! ~ 440-836-3801(no texting) - 40
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Zanesville/Cambridge)
."o°"*o 2GiRls ."o°"*o SuPeR wEtt "o°"*o aLL nIgHt "o°"*o C*o*M*e s*E*E >>>>>aLL tHiS cHoCoLaTe - 21
(****MENTOR AREA*****)
BaBy LeT Me TaKe CoNtRoL- call now hot new specials - 26
(Cleveland, cleveland area outcalls & in call avail.)
Sat 04 Jan
⭐Mrs.Sarah 🌟Exotic Ebony Babe 🌟 lorain county 🌟Juicy W E T FreaFreak - 23
(Cleveland, Outcall Incall Lorain Co No black meN)
L O O K ! §exy N E W mixedBEAUTY ! ♥ 1OO% REAL & Reviewed ! - 21
(Cleveland, Airport Area)
70 EARLY BIRD SPECIAL Lorain County ((42 F bust)) Exotic Mix!!! 321 338 5704 - 21
(Cleveland, ELYRIA INCALL call now)
❤️ frenchblack mix Lomya hts best pics 1000% real😘💨💋 - 25
(Cleveland Downtown, Cleveland Hts incalls)
Ebony TastY TreaT 💋 LoraiN CountY in & out 💋💦 💦 💋 (EXOTIC SARAH ) 💋 - 23
(Cleveland, LoraiN CountY areas in & Out 💦 💦)
ou Don't Need A Pool, ██ ██ When You Experience My Florida Touch - 18
(Incall/Outcall 100-120 Per Hr)
Anytime Entertainment Available all weekend in call only #614/902/5315 check out our pics!!!! - 23
(Columbus, west columbus)
Fri 03 Jan
TaKe A LoOk Independence❤ ►SeXy PuErto RiCaN BlOnDe DOUBLE ur PLEASURE! BoYs Specials ▓ ❤LlAma PaPi - 20
(Cleveland, INDEPENDENCE —Limited TIME)
((=NeW=)) ..-:¦:-.. ((=ExXxOTic=)) ..-:¦:-.. ((=CuBaN=)) ..-:¦:-.. ((=HoTTie=)) - 19
(*[*[* CLeVeLanD AirPoRT *]*]*)
70 SPECIALS Lorain County ((42 F bust)) Exotic Mix!!! 321 338 5704 - 21
(Cleveland, ELYRIA INCALL call now)
Well Established Upscale Female Owned Agency Now Hiring! Gain financial independence now! - 35
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland, Columbus, Sandusky, Youngstown, National)
50💧🍇💦😻💧💦( tgif )🍇😻💧😻💧💦🍇 put me on your to do list. 50 specials in Lorain /out Cleveland West 💧😻🍇💧😻🍇💧💦 - 23
(Cleveland, Lorain County In/out 💦🍇 💦50 special)
OUTCALL Available nowl!!! Biggest Thickest Boobs in Cleveland! Busty H Cups- Fetish friendly - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland/ East Suburbs)
★ PeTiTe & FreaKy ★ GoRgeoUs & KiNky ★ EXoTiC bLoNdE ★ NeW 2 ArEa - 20
(Cleveland, MenTor area ( InCall OnLy ))
NEWEST ESCORT SERVICE in cleveland! Donations for any budget. Spanish/ blk wht/ eygptian all RACES! - 21
**LEXI** 70 &$100 half hour! 216-355-6829 TER reviewed ID#117401 - 29
(W.150th&I-71; private residence!)
Thu 02 Jan
~ Petite and Mature ~ 100/160/200 ~ 440-836-3801(no texting) ~ Chrissy Kisses - 40
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Zanesville/Cambridge)
."o°"*o C*U*M ."o°"*o DoUbLe DiP "o°"*o iN tHeSe "o°"*o cHoCoLaTe dIvAs - 21
(****Willoughby Area*****)
NeW "AdidAs GirL" nEw "AdiDaS GirL " ""ReD RoZe'""" hot & ready for you Call nOw - 19
(Cleveland, cleveland and surounding City's)
75 1/2hr ██ Hot Jiggle Booty Florida BombShell Ebony College Girl ██ - 18
(Incall-Airport Starting at 75 1/2hr)