Mon 27 Jan
** @ll Day & N!ite 50 roze Speci@l ** 100% heavenly ...ultimate out of body experiences!!!! - 36
(Cleveland, Warrensville)
Tue 21 Jan
It's THURSDAY and it's been a lousy week. I CAN HELP! Give me a call! - 32
(Columbus, Near the Casino on the West side)
It's THURSDAY and it's been a lousy week. I CAN HELP! Give me a call! - 32
(Columbus, Near the Casino on the West side)
Tue 07 Jan
{{{Sexy ,blue eyed, exotic, bombshell , !! }}}first time specials!! - 30
(Cleveland, parma west side or east garfield 480)
Mon 06 Jan
Addicted To Lust ×°x°× V®Y ** F®AKy ** G-I-R-L the total package ×°x°× - - 27
(east side areas)
Sun 05 Jan
Sexy ,blue eyed, bombshell !!!! first time specials}}} - 30
(Cleveland, Parma west side or Garfield east off 480)
Sat 04 Jan
Fri 03 Jan
Santa's Helper Wants 2 B Or Nice V®Y ** F®AKy ** G-I-R-L - 27 - 27
(east/west today)
Addicted To Lust ×°x°× V®Y ** F®AKy ** G-I-R-L ×°x°× - 27 - 27
Thu 02 Jan