Sat 04 Jan
★~☎ MaGiCaL LiP$ ★ • 【niCє bѺѺ+¥】★【cUτє FαCє】★【spaNKaBℓε αSS】★~ 🌴thick🌴☀*[PARADiSE]* ☀🌴 - 19
(Cleveland, Cleveland /24hr Incalls only)
jaw dropin Thursday!! incall/outcall ***Happy Hour 8p.m -10:30pm*** - 24
(Cleveland, Cleveland,Maple,Bedford,orange plce)
im baaaaack and ready to play exotic mixed big breasted beauty $50special - 28
(Columbus, north columbus)
Hey guys come spend you friday night with the alexis and check out the specialsThe baddest. bp - 22
(Cleveland, Garfield HTS. white men olny white men o)
*FUN, FliRty**, FrEaKy***, VolupTuous, YOUNG, White Girl ReaDy to Please YOU!*%*% - 25
(Cleveland, W. 130th and 480(Incall) OUTCALLS to!)
EarLy MorNinG SpeciaLs WiT CreaM. . .CaLL NoW - 25
(Cleveland, mentor & surrounding areas in & outcalls)
CoMe EnJoY YoUr FrIdAy NiGhT W/ an ADIDAS GiRL====caLL NoW - 25
(Cleveland, CLeveland outcall specials right now)
CaRaMeL ____ MixX __________ ( super senSuAL ) _________ SeDUcTiVe _150hr SpEciaL - 25
(Cleveland, 24HR. Wickliffe incall specials)
*° AvAiL aBlE °* *° RiGhT °**° NoW°*!!! - (216) 456-5511 - 20
!8O SPECIAL!(I) -- ( W O N ' T )( S T O P ) ( UNTI L )( YOU )( G E T )( E N O U G H ) - 30
(Cleveland, Cleveland Heights, Ohio/ Incalls/ 24Hrs*)
Something like a DREAM come true!!! Aubri❤INCALLS... 21...💋💋💋 - 21
(Cleveland, West side Cleveland & Surrounding areas!)
***SUPER ENERGETIC SEXY ... FUN***Satisfaction Guaranteed***OPEN MINDED - 29
(Columbus, North Columbus)
The Gorgeous Exotic MZ SKY And Only 50$ I'M READY So call now while SPECIAL Last - 25
~! !~_ TIGHT_~! !~_WET_-~! !~_ PUSSY_~! !~_~! !~CuMMMM OuT N PLaY---ITS MY BDAY!!!! - 24
(west cleveland 24hr incall/outcall)
$$ SPECIALS!!! ❤❤ Your DREAM Come True ●●Big BooTy FREAK & Very Discreet - 21
Smack these Fat BUNZ ....... DN'T be shy I see u looking at these THICK THIGHS! 216 209 7223 - 26
(Cleveland, Private- location clevewest Oldbrooklyn)
SLiP OFF my PANTiES ^*SLiP OFF my LACE *eXoTiC* pLaYmAt3 (aVaiLabLe nOw!) - 19
(Cleveland, W.117th AREA inCaLL...)
*&* SEXY, SaSsy, BeAuTiFuL, Voluptuous Babe waiting to Please YOU!!*&* - 25
(Cleveland, My place(Westside) or Yours!!)
I Got Skills That Will Amaze U...What are waiting for?? ☏ ₵αℓℓ τΗε βεsτ Puerto Rican FREAK ηθϖ ☏ - 22
High class •VIP• private incall service for your discreet, passionate, and intimate encounter - 26
(Cleveland, RITZ CARLTON)
Eros Authenticated*BoOTy LoVeRs DoMiNaTinG EbOnY HarLeQuiN SeDucTreSS - 27
(Cleveland, INCALLS SAFE NoRTh OLmsTed)
☆ ~You** Call** The** Shots...~ ☆ ~Busty Asia~ - 32
(Cleveland, Euclid *private discreat location INCALL)
BuSty EbOnY Fre@K (( DD's )) °*° SeXy + OpenMinDed °*° INCALL SPECIALS °*° (( 24/7 )) - 19
(~~MenTor__ AreA~~)
BLONDE barbie downtown VIDEO dated PROOF!!! hotel READY and AVAILABLE 216-925-8856 I LoVe GiFtCaRds! - 26
(Cleveland, downtown incall outcall only to dt hotel)
💕 THICK & READY 💄💄BBW 💋216 804 1203 💎DIAMOND - 22
(Cleveland, My place 💞Cleve~Westside nice and cozy)
6O$ I Got Skills That Will Amaze U...What are waiting for?? ☏ ₵αℓℓ τΗε βεsτ Puerto Rican FREAK ηθϖ ☏ - 22
The Gorgeous Exotic MZ SKY And Only 50$ I'M READY So call now while SPECIAL Last - 25
((NEW)) SPCLZ *° —A—v—A—i—L —a—B—l—E— °*•—— •*° —R—i—G—h—T — °*•—•*° —N—o—W—°* ((NEW)) SPCLZ - 24
(Cleveland, Outcall)
**New to the City** 1st day ever Sexy Ebony 1st time very Ready to try New things 216 650 1841 - 19
(Cleveland, DownTown ,Cleveland,Horesshoe,West 6st,)
. New Pics! ...the smart money is on me, Ryder! place yur bet baby. - 21
(Cleveland, cleve, westside)
* G©©D EvEniNg * FiNiSh Y©uR D@Y Off RiGht * WitH @ SwEeT tre@t & PriCeS U C@nt Be@t $100 SpEcI@ls - 18
(Cleveland, NEAR AIRPORT 24/7 Gu@r@teed 2 le@ve :))
Give me an hour of your time & you won't regret it - 26
(Cleveland, Warrensville Cntr rd & S.Green-residence)
DAILY SPECIALS! $70 & $100 hh (216)355-6829 HOT, SULTRY & SEXY *LEXI* W. 150th & I 71 - 29
(W.150th & I. 71)
:.:.:.: ~-Allow me to accomodate your cck! :.:.:.: ~-INDIA-~ :.:.:.: - 29
(Garfield Hts/ Tranportation blv exit)
All YoUr FantAsy's NoW At YoUr FinGeR TiPs w/ CrEaM $60 specials all NiGhT LonG - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland dOwNtOwn incall & OuTcaLl)
°♥ ;°"..-:¦: -.. " °♥° tEnDeR kIsSeS + BaNgInG bOdY = Mz. AmAzInG °♥° "..-:¦ - 19
(***** WILLOUGHBY AREA *****)
Naughty fun with the Naughtiest ItalianXXX Adrianna XXX. $20 OFF Half And Full Hrs - 28
(airport area/Incall)
Mz. sEdUcTiOn iS ===*=== aDDicTiVe ===*=== & ===*=== EnTiCiNG ===*==== 100% {*G*F*E*} ===== - 21
(::::::MENTOR 24HRS:::::::)
NEW! $50 INCALL SPECIALS! •• Double Tongue Rings !! •• X-Rated BiG BooTy FREAK ••👯👯100%REAL!!👯👯 - 21
(Cleveland, Independence INCALL)
(( NeVeRmInD ThE WiFe )) ------- (( CoMe On OvEr ))--- (( CLeVeLaNd'S ToP ChOiCe )) - 19
(Cleveland, Cleveland Airport)