Sun 05 Jan
~! !~_ TIGHT_~! !~_WET_-~! !~_ PUSSY_~! !~_~! !~CuMMMM OuT N PLaY---ITS MY BDAY!!!! - 24
(west cleveland 24hr incall/outcall)
Bold and beautiful new to bp...making mouths water and toes curl im your girl!! - 23
(Cleveland, cleveland east/west downtown)
VIDEO PROOF in ad!!! 216-925-8856 Sexy ALEX EAST Suburban area only READY and AVAILABLE Nov20pic - 26
(Cleveland, East suburbs)
Best Deals in town special Thick as your thumb New Number 216 323 6917 - 25
** Y o u r__ *ღ* __ D_r_e_a_m __ *ღ* __ G_i_r_l ** *ღ* ***LAST DAY IN TOWN*** - 24
(Airport Area 24hr incall/outcall)
♥This Catholic School, Girl Next Door wants to make ur dreams come true*´¨✭🍒✭.•*¨ IN & OUT SPCLS - 26
(Cleveland, Cleveland Incalls/outcalls)
======> {80qk} SUPER ☆ SKILLED ☆ WT && ((( X-R=A=T=E=D ))) ☆ FUN!!{120hh}
(Cleveland {Incall && Outcall})
***$*** $80 sPeCiAlS tOdAy OnLy- iTaLiAn hOtTiE wIt A cUrVy bOdY---$80 sPeCiAls ToDaY oNlY ***$*** - 21
(Cleveland, independence)
•• $50 SPECIAL!!!!! •• BiG BooTy •• X-RaTeD FrEaK •• SwEEt && DiScReeT •• PreTTy. YoUnG. ThiCk•• - 21
**SEXY BURNETTE** WHY CALL THE REST WHEN U CAN HAVE THE BEST? *well reviewed**recent pics** - 29
(Cleveland, NEAR THE AIRPORT/Westside)
♛▬*** PLAYMATE ***▬▬*** SEXY BOMBSHELL ***▬▬▬▬*** ***▬▬** AVAILABLE NOW ** ▬▬▬▬▬♛ - 22
(Cleveland, Cleveland area)
New to the city Evening specials visiting 7:p.m now 11-8-12 Outcall/incall
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland, Sandusky, akron,Fairlawn,copley)
*☆* °..-:¦:-{{ GoodGirl }} *☆*Gone *☆* {{ *BAD* }} °*☆* Last Nite In Town! - 24
(Airport Area 24hr incall/outcall)
☆ FriDaY ♥ SpeCialS ☆ ☆ Let's start your weekend with a BANG!! ☆ - 19
(InCall Or OutCall ***CALL NOW***)
CreAm iS BaCk NeW # and SiZZliNg Hot SuMMer SpEciaLs= CaLL NoW - 25
(Cleveland, DoWnToWn IncAll & OuTcaLL AvAilablE)
Can U HANDLE the CATHOLIC SCHOOL, Girl NEXT DOOR type?! Make ur fantasies a reality!! - 26
(Cleveland, Cleveland Incalls/outcalls)
*& SEXY, SaSsy, BeAuTiFuL, Voluptuous, BruneTTe Babe waiting to Please YOU!!*&* - 25
(Cleveland, My place(Westside) or Yours!!)
♥• 1OO %•REAL •° Let me take you to paradise and PLEASE YOU AS LONG AS YOU LIKE**** - 22
(Cleveland, University Hts)
216-925-8856NEW sexy VIDEO in LINGERIE!!!(Sound works)BLONDE barbie ready and available - 26
(Cleveland, Downtown incall hotel)
*Sweet, SaSsY, Sexy, Honey!!!** Dont Pass this one Up! *&* - 25
(Cleveland, My place(Westside) or Yours!!)
Mz.Diamond💎 BBW flexible💎 Qv special💎Ready to make you c🍆m 216 804 1203 💕💕 - 25
(Cleveland, 💕My Place Nice & Cozy Westside:))
" Cocaine Chyina Dopest Deals " 65/85/165 No Out Calls - 23
SPECIALS All Day!!!!!!!!!!! X-Rated Freak •• BIG BOOTY •• SkiLLed LiPs •• PreTTy YoUnG ThiCk - 21
(Cleveland, warrensville ...incall only)
VIDEO PROOF in ad!!! 216-925-8856 Sexy ALEX EAST Suburban area only READY and AVAILABLE Nov20pic - 26
(Cleveland, East suburbs)
THE CANDY SHOP 70 KISSes incall special****** three flavors to choose from... 216_925-7894 - 19
(Cleveland, Parma/Independ./richmond/beachwood/etc)
Outcall/ infall available now. Delicious chocolate breasts (H cups) and ohhh.. so pretty:) - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland/ East Suburbs)
☆ .: **No RuSh**No ReGrEts YoU** Call **THe **sHoTs!! :. ☆ ~Busty Asia~ - 31
(Cleveland, Euclid *private discreat location INCALL)
LEXI#117401& #132764 on T.E.R!, (216) 355-6829$70 Quik SPECIAL $100hh Ex-dancer! - 29
(W.150th & I-71 Private Residence)
[GORGEOUS] ✿ [BRUNETTE] ✿ [BOMBSHELL] ✿ [VISITING] - v3ry op3n mind3d ツ - 22
(Cleveland, "★"__AIRPORT AREA__"★")
((AVAILABLE NOW)) LOOK === •••► ((Jazzmine BeST bRaInZ n,tOwN)) ••• *216 209 7223 - 26
(Cleveland, Indepence-West Oldbrooklyn PRIVATE PLACE)
BACK IN TOWN! new# Trinity *24hr 60hh special. well reviewed** tried nd tru 100% me! - 21
(Cleveland, cleve, westside)
BaBy LeT Me TaKe CoNtRoL- call now hot new specials - 26
(Cleveland, cleveland area outcalls & in call avail.)
💦W e t juicy julie💦 tru fun 💋pleasure💋 and extacy awiats u - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland and surrounding cities)
♥This Catholic School, Girl Next Door wants to make ur dreams come true*´¨✭🍒✭.•* - 26
(Cleveland, Cleveland Incalls/outcalls)
♥— SUPER—HOT ———— **♥** ————EXOTIC FANTASY **♥** ——~————— **♥** INCALL - 19
(Cleveland, Cleveland Heights Incall)
Sat 04 Jan
*SPECTACULAR SUNDAY SPECIALS*Call Jenna 216~538~3398*new pix*well reviewed* - 29
(Cleveland, NEAR THE AIRPORT/Westside)
♥☆♡Super SeXy 38DDD☆ Brunette Babe ready to warm you up!! Awesome Reviews!!♥☆♡ - 25
(Cleveland, (Westside near Airport) or Your Place)
•• SPECIALS !!! •• TASTY TREAT •• X-RaTeD FrEaK •• SwEEt && DiScReeT •• PreTTy. YoUnG. ThiCk.•• - 21
:*:SPECIALS... Avail 2p-11p:*: CoMe TRICK with YoUr SeXy, N@UgHtY TREAT w/5 StAr SeRvIcE CALL NOW!! - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield htsr)
SeXy ~ PeTiTe ~EbOnY ~ FrEaK ~ CoMe ~ WaTcH ~ Me ~ PoUnD ~ On ~ DaT ~ - 24
NEW PICS**SPECIALS Avail 10a-5p** CoMe N See Why I'M the BaDDeST B**CH w/5 StAr SeRvIcE CALL NOW!! - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield htsr)