Mon 27 Jan
They say its the best in the morning... Let me be your secret get a way...Sexy Yarrah.... Specials!! - 20
(Cleveland, Wickliffe)
I'm Back Boys ❤ Dont Cheat yourself🙅😨 Treat yourself 😍👌🌟5 St🌟R €XPERiENCE 💞 K¡∫∫∑R 🍭 SK¡LLz - 24
(Cleveland, Westside incall only)
ENJOY A SEXY SUMMER TREAT ~**~**~ With a Voluptuous Busty Brunette - 38
(Incall & Outcalls to many areas today.)
Your Sexy MILF next door..INCALL, Columbus - Hilliard..YES REAL PICS..Incall.. 4' 9", 85 lbs.♥ Kylee - 52
(Columbus, Columbus / Hilliard)
▆█♥♥█▆▅ Exotic & Freaky ▆█♥♥█▆▅ Im your best kept secret 💋 NO better than THIS!! - 24
(Dayton, Cincy & N.Cincy (in&out;))
NEW GIRL- TRUE BEAUTY- 5'4 & 115 lbs BETER THAN THE REST. CALL NOW, Im available! - 25
(Shaker Heights)
❤ LooK!! »» ToTaL PaCKaGe »» SeXxXy.... SwEeT ... FuN »» ❤ - 21
(west side of cleveland incall/outcall)
Tue 21 Jan
Your Sexy MILF next door..INCALL, Columbus - Hilliard..YES REAL PICS..Incall.. 4' 9", 85 lbs.♥ Kylee - 52
(Columbus, Columbus / Hilliard)
Sunshine on a rainy day, enjoy this sexy caramel! Incall/ outcall - 24
(Cincinnati, North college hill/ tri county)
$40 quick special $100 hour great prices with the best service cant be beat and highly reviewed - 28
(Columbus, 270 and 23)
y.o.u.r °* NEW *° n.u.m.b.e.r °* ONE *° b.a.d.d.e.s.t °* DOMINICAN *° e.v.e.r - 22
(Cleveland, *[ Airport ]* ➜ [A]:[R]:[E]:[A])
Why Don't You Come And Sample Something You Never Had Before ? [HOLLY] $100 INCALL 330-564-7406 - 29
(Cleveland, GPS= 1608 EAST AVE AKRON OHIO 44314)
WOW!!! MY BoDy IS YoUr ★ SEXY SMOKN H0TT ☂ CoMe __ ☂ RaIn __ OR ☂ __SHINE ☀ - 25
(Cleveland, ((( •♥•WILLOUGHBY AREA //OFF 90•♥• ))))
What Sets Me Apart From The Rest !!! I AM THE GIRL IN THE PICTURES..[HOLLY] $100 INCALL 330-564-7406 - 29
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland, GPS- 1608 EAST AVE AKRON OHIO 44314, Mansfield, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown)
X-RATED FREAK •• D**K Pleaser •• BIG BOOTY •• SkiLLed LiPs •• - 21
(Cleveland, warrensville ...incall only)
{ Winter Wonderland } ( +Snow Bunny + SICILIAN PRINCESS +) * Best rates on backpage*+ - 27
VIDEO PROOF in ad!!! 216-925-8856 Sexy ALEX Downtown only READY and AVAILABLE Nov20pic - 26
(Cleveland, downtown incall outcall only to dt hotel)
⚠💦💦💲60hh,100hr special in©alls 🅾NLY💲....💲exy,¥🅾ung & F®e🅰ky.... ©um 👀 me N🅾W ❗❕❗💦💦 - 23
(Toledo, central jackman area 💦💦💦💦)
LAST NITE IN TOWN** Y o u r__ *ღ* __ D_r_e_a_m __ *ღ* __ G_i_r_l ** *ღ* 60qq!!! - 24
(west cleveland/ mentor 24HR)
Why Don't You Come And Sample Something You Never Had Before ? [HOLLY] $100 INCALL 330-564-7406 - 29
(Cleveland, GPS= 1608 EAST AVE AKRON OHIO 44314)
What Sets Me Apart From The Rest !!! I AM THE GIRL IN THE PICTURES..[HOLLY] $100 INCALL 330-564-7406 - 29
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland, GPS- 1608 EAST AVE AKRON OHIO 44314, Mansfield, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown)
——×°×°×—— •• UPSCALE •• SEXY •• SWEET •• DISCREET •• PETITE •• TREAT •• ——×°×°×——°×X× - 24
(Cleveland, Cleveland and surrounding areas)
**ThE *BEST* iS HeRe*[[* ExOtiC PuErTo RiCaN MaMii *]] [uP aLL DaY & NiGhT!!] *[[* Sooo B(O)(O)Ti }{ - 26
(=+=+ AiRpOrT ArEa+=+=)
🍫 💋🍦 Super Busty BOOBIE and CHOCOLATE lovers 100% real 100% satisfaction $100 - 27
(Bedford hts/Rockside 271/480, Cleveland)
Something like a DREAM come true!!! Aubri❤INCALLS... 21...💋💋💋 - 21
(Cleveland, West side Cleveland & Surrounding areas!)
SPECIALS Avail 24hrs Fri & Sat ONLY!!!!:*: Get w/a ReAL BAD B##CH w/5 StAr SeRvIcE...CALL NoW!!! - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
(Cleveland, ✰==( BeAcHwOoD )==✰)
(¯`'.¸ ★ SEXY (¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯) BLONDE (¯`'.¸ ★ ¸.'´¯)BOMBSHELL ★ ¸.'´¯) - 35
(Cleveland Heights)
Saturday SPECIALS..always avail.. All Sexy waiting for you! REAL Men ONLY txt me :) ANYTHING GOES!!! - 23
(Cleveland, Airport area / off 71, Strongsville)
♥♥PLEASING u is My Pleasure ★Im MATURE & Erotic"4 our Adult Affairs! And Fun!! Cuddle & Unwind♥♥♥ - 34
(Columbus, EROTIC LOVer 4 u.Pleasure !!! pvt home)
:¦:-::*PLeAsUrE {LiKe }:( NeVer )♥ BeFoRe {XxXcLuSiVe ♥ DIRTY * LiTTLE * SECRET - 24
***^ InTrOdUcInG Me ^*** !!CoMe & TaKe A PeeK @ tHiS nAuGhTy LIL TREAT!! - 23
(+Willoughby Area +24hr incalls only)
- ----------- - - - Latina LUV DoLL YES FinaLLy ReaL ProViDeR & ReAL PicTUrES ON BP !! - 22
(Cleveland, Cleveland Incall)
Sun 12 Jan
Dont waste your time with these fake ads! Im 💎Diamond💎Come indulge in my Caramel wonderland💖 - 19
(Ashtabula, Ashtabula Harbor)
♛♣♣♣♣♣♣ $PECIALS ♣♣♣♣♣♣ ♛ PRETTY FACE ♛ ♣♣ ♛ PERFECT BODY ♛ ♣♣♣♣ 100% REAL ♣♣♣♣♣♣ ♛ - 32
(Cleveland, CLE.nearAIRPORT 150th ext.or your place)
Sat 11 Jan
Fri 10 Jan
216-925-8856BLONDE barbie* VIDEO dated PROOF in ad!!! READY and AVAILABLE - 26
(Cleveland, downtown incall outcall only to dt hotel)
Thu 09 Jan
• YOUR ★ *•-: SEXY ★ *•-: LITTLE ★ *•-: SECRET ★ *•- FUN ★ *•- COME PLAY ★ *•- BUSTY • - 20
(Cleveland, 💋 Airport Area 💋)
💦W e t juicy julie💦 tru fun 💋pleasure💋 and extacy awiats u - 25
(Cleveland, Cleveland and surrounding cities)
S-m-O-k-i-N ___ ⋄ *new* ⋄ ___ D-o-M-i-N- i-C-a-N ___ ⋄ *in* ⋄ ___ T-o-W-n ! - 22
(*[ Airport ]* ➜ [A]:[R]:[E]:[A])
Wed 08 Jan
theCANDY SHOP© IZ OPEN... Lunchtime specials. juiccy and deliccious.. the BEST menu 216-925-7894 - 19
(Cleveland, Parma/Independ./richmond/west side/east)
Tue 07 Jan
❤*****【EXOTIC SOCCER MOM ] *♛【IN & OUT $PECIALS】 ❤ 【FLIRTY & FUN】 *♛ ❤ *♛ *** ❤ ◄◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ ◄ - 32
(Cleveland, UPSCALE AIRPORT area(off 71) /your place)
☆☆OUR ♡ LoVE~SHACK is the SpOt.!!Where ya ♡ to "GET It On!!! - 30
(Columbus, Incalll or Outcall.. Great Services!!!)
Mon 06 Jan
**SPECIALS Avail 24hrs Sun** R u READY 4 A SeXy N@UgHtY BaD B**CH w/5 StAr SeRvIcE then CALL NOW!! - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield htsr)
**SeXxXY* [ WeLL rEvIeWeD ] * [ SWeeT N TiGHT ] * [ LATE NIGHT 2 GirL SPecIAlS ] ExXxOTiC!!!** - 21
FRIDAY + ME = FUN & RELAXATION ! ~***~***~ Beautiful Voluptuous Brunette - 38
(Incalls and Outcalls to mansy areas!)
:*:$70 SPECIALS...Avail NOW - 6am!!!!:*: Get w/a ReAL BAD B##CH w/5 StAr SeRvIcE...CALL NoW!!! - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
SeXxXy LATiNA✨Y∅U'v∈ ⓣⓡⓘⓔⓓ @LL Th€ Re§t 💫💙 N∅W CoMe TrY Th∈ Be§t!!★💛 - 21
(Cleveland, ⭐️Beachwood/Warrensville⭐️)
EBONY BARBIE Early Bird Specials!!!! Get While It's Hot Late Nights And Early Mornings - 22
(Cleveland Heights, Cleveland heights, Ohio)
*Come COOL Down w/ me, Now!* REAL Men, Text me! All sexiied Up- waiting here, for you!:) - 23
(Cleveland, Airport Berea area/Bagley & Engle exit!*)
Let Me Be Your Perfect Getway !!! $100 SAFE & DISCREET CHOICE..[HOLLY] 330-564-7406 - 28
(Akron/Canton, 1608 EAST AVE AKRON OHIO 44314)
Sun 05 Jan
★ *🍦SWeET♡* 🍦 Eye CaNdY*👀 🌸 ★ ExOtiC★🌸 💎💎💎 BaRBiE 💖100% Real Pictures! - 19
(Cleveland, Eastside Incall)
New ( ♥o°• MaGiC LiPs •°o♥o°• SkiLLeD HiPs •°l•2165773346 - 22
(Cleveland, 480/271 surrounding area)
I'm BaCk BoYs ♥{{100% REAL and RECENT PICS!!!}} ExOtiC PuErTo RiCaN MaMii * S(P)Eci(A)L(S) ~ - 27
(Cleveland, ()() AiRpOrT ArEa ()())
★ L(☻) (☻)K ♥ ===► ((1))0((0)) AMAZING SPECIALS uNsPeAkAbLE TALeNtS - 21
======> {80qk} SUPER ☆ SKILLED ☆ WT && ((( X-R=A=T=E=D ))) ☆ FUN!!{120hh}
(Cleveland {Incall && Outcall})
Hurry! (AVAILABLE NѼW!) Early Bird @$@P 70 $PEC!@L C@ll now Wont l@st long! - 22
(CLEVELAND. HTS (Safe &;PR!V@t3 location))
☢ 100 Incall §P¢¡@!s {negotiable} $¡LK¥ ߧ-'s ßLUPR¡N ß@®ß¡! HØu®g!@§§ F¡Gu®! ☢ - 22
(CLEVE. HTS Incall & Outcall Special)
*★*★*★((EXOTIC)) *★*★*★* ThE FrEaK YoU BeEn LoOkInG FoR*★*★*★* ((SPECIALS!!!)) - 23
VIDEO PROOF in ad!!! 216-925-8856 Sexy ALEX EAST Suburban area only READY and AVAILABLE Nov20pic - 26
(Cleveland, East suburbs)
♥— SUPER—HOT ———— **♥** ————EXOTIC FANTASY **♥** ——~————— **♥** INCALL - 19
(Cleveland, Cleveland Heights Incall)
Sat 04 Jan