Tue 21 Jan
*Beautiful Shemale=SEXY & SUPER HOT* Versatile {100% REAL}LOADED! LOADED! - 24
(Cleveland, Westpark)
Ad•°o♥o°•★☆ [•♥•[ N*A*U*G*H*T*Y [•♥•] NEVER LOOKED [•♥•] THIS N*I*C*E -100% •♛!★☆• - 24
(Cleveland, East.side)
CANTON // Big BOOTY Ts ★🏆NO COMPETITION🏆..Passible 💁Soft CurvY 💁🔝9nchFF🍆Vers B🍑tt🍑m💅👙💄💯%Real & Ready - 23
(Akron/Canton, BELDEN VILLAGE ext 💯%REAL Face Time ME, Cleveland)
100% Real hUng B*I*T*C*H☆ ANA ☆ CrEaMy Delight Im here to fit you're Needs Thats What I DO - - 24
(Cleveland, EASTSIDE AREA)
80.00 Specials Bubble Booty 💦👅 10In BAZOOKA 💦 ✨WEBSITE 👉 420+PARTY GIRL 👉 Demand Proof - 24
This is the Real Karen C. of Las Vegas. Zora, Sarah, Victoria is Imposter - 29
(Cleveland, Las vegas)
W : A : R : N : I : N : G!! :☠: EXTREMELY :☠: A * D * D * I * C * T * I * V * E* - 21
(Warrensville Hts Ohio)
Y~O~U~R *❤* P~E~R~F~E~C~T *❤* P~L~A~Y~M~A~T~E ____ TS* __ __ 1 0 0 % M E ! !* - 21
(Cleveland, westside/alone)
★ViSiTiNg ★*HoT SeXy Blonde ★1OOO% ReAL PiCs GuRaNTeeD ★CuTe FaCe ★SMaLL WAiSt ★ViDeO PrOoF - 19
(Cleveland, MiDdLeBuRg ArEa/ OuT AvAiLaBlE)
VIisiting from Detroit!! ts Miami 313-948-9298•❤• 5'7 145lb 34b 10.5, 100%real pics•❤• - 22
(Cleveland, Downtown..free parking (in/outcalls 24/7)
The ultimate Goddess has Arrived✈️💅💄👙Stop an take a peek 💋💗💚💙💛9 fat and long like a cucumber 🍆🍆 - 22
(Beachwood, Beachwood Upscale Hotel)
🍓🍓S e n s u a l 🍓🍓S H E M A L E 🍓🍓S e x y 💲VIP U p s c a l e👄PENTHOUSE Pleasures! - 26
(Cincinnati, Downtown THE BANKS/CASINO DISTRICT)
TS ROBYN**B l a c k & B r a z i l i a n **DoNt LoWeR ur StAnDaRdS 9.5IN" F U N ALL night L O N G!! - 22
►So Hot TS Star MORGAN BAILEY! Visiting & Getting CRAZY 4U til Morning! - 25
(Cleveland, West Cleveland/Airport)
**Sweet & Sexy TS JASMINE NEW In Town** Also On EROS.C0M ALL REAL PICS!!!! - 22
(Downtown Cleveland Area)
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄☆•_T H €_P € R F € C T_ •☆•_C H O i C €Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ EXPLORE YouR FANTASIES! Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - 25
(Cleveland, Visiting Private Rented Home / Lakewood)
😍😍Tired Of THE FAKES💚💙💛💜SÕ MÅNY CHÕIC€S but NÕN€ LIK€ Me Just Landed!! 😍😍Special All Day 😍 - 21
🍭🍭The Amazon SHEMALE 🍬🍬Dare 2 Be Different 🍭 11in Pipe🍭 Ms Kandy Kane 🍬🍬 - 24
(BEACHWOOD HTL, Cleveland)
█► P A R T Y T I M E! 📦📦📦 ╠╣UNG 📦📦 P A C K A G E! 📦📦📦 ╠╣ E A V Y S H O O T E R💦💦💦💦 👅💋 - 23
(Cleveland, SouthEast In-OutCallS)
(¯N£W`'★ GORGEOUS- transsexaul :Visiting for Few Days¦:Your- DREAMGIRL. 9 REASONS !! - 24
(Airport Area Hotel!)
Say Your Number On VIDEO Challenge 👅💦👅💦 If They Cant Say TEL Number On Vid THEY'RE FAKE* - 24
(Cleveland, West 90th St * Denison Avenue * DEMAND P)
♠ T-H-E ♥ O-N-L-Y ♦ G-I-R-L ♣ Y-O-U ♥ N-E-E-D ♦ T-S ♣ B-I-A-N-C-A ♥ - 25
(Cleveland, VISITING SOON!!)
-------- S --T-- A -- C -- Y -------- G -- A -- L- -O -- R -- E -------- (((Visiting Sept 23)))
🍭🌟🍭 LeT ME ★BE YouR ★SeXY SeCrET ¯`'•.¸ ▀D▄I▀S▄ C▀R▄E ▀E▄▀T▄-:¦:-FREAK Y-:¦:- 🍭🌟🍭 - 23
(Lakewood, WESTSIDE)
kinky freaky come c wht everybodi talkin about my 10 long candystick ts.kayla - 21
(Cleveland, edgewater)
_______ MUST SEE!!* ►► δωεε† ✮ TiGhT_______INDEPENDENT & XTREMELY OPENMINDED _______ NΛUGHƬ¥-n-NΛkΞD - 21
(Cleveland, ★ NoRtH oLmStEd or YoUrS)
NeW iN tOwN5 ☆ EXOtiC • UnBEAtAbLE, sEssiOnS nO GimmiCks 100% rEaL pHOtOs - 22
(Cleveland, Westside Suburbs Hotel :-)))
-------- S --T-- A -- C -- Y -------- G -- A -- L- -O -- R -- E -------- (((Visiting Sept 27)))
sexy Hung girl with lots of toys call now 160hour(((( Lets play house))))) Barbie Looking 2 Party - 23
(Cleveland, Lakewood private Apartment)
NEW TO CITY! A B S ▓ O ▓ L ▓ U ▓ T▓ E ▓ L▓ Y ❤ S▓ T▓ U ▓ N ▓ N ▓ I ▓ N ▓G ★▓ X mas GIFT █▒ ╠╣OT █ - 20
(Cleveland, North Royalton off 71 south)
ೋ ☆ I_f I C-A_N bL_oW On Y_O_U_R B_lo_w_POP I C_A_N ma_KE You_r Bed_ROC_K - 23
(Cincinnati, Cincinnati Ohio ♥Ts Gia ♥ Sharonville)
New Ts Marianna Visiting For The Week Experience A TRUE ts Erotic Fun!! 100% Guaranteed!! - 25
(downtown upscale hotel)
Lea V I N G 2mO R R o W~ T S S T A C E Y ~ l A s T D ay o F FuN N !!!!! L A S T D A Y !!! - 21
❌⭕Big Big. SEcrECT iN mY P@NTIES TS Kim 10iN.XxL FUlLY LOaDED (available now) - 24
(Cleveland, East)
Exotic TS Goddess!💢❤💢💢❤💢 [[Hard Juicy Candy] 💢❤💢✌——————💢❤[[ SEXY ]] 💢❤💢—————💢❤💢 EXOTIC MI - 22
(Cleveland, Lakeshore)
( I ) -- ( WON'T ) -- ( STOP ) -- ( TILL ) -- ( U ) -- ( GET ) -- ( ENOUGH ) TRY A TRANSEXUAL.. - 24
(Cleveland, Downtown Hotel Visiting)
(¯`'·.¸ ♔¸.·'´¯) ECSTASY @ IT'S PUREST FORM T.S. CHASITY (¯`'·.¸ ♔¸.·'´¯) - 21
(Cleveland, DOWNTOWN)
🎊Fun Freaky Fantasy 🎉10.5 inCandy Pipe 🎉 %100 PartyGirl %1000 Accurate 🎊🎊 - 24
(Cleveland, Parma area)
★♥ƸӜƷ♥★* E X O T I C *★♥ƸӜƷ♥★ S E X Y ★♥ƸӜƷ♥★* PARTY GIRL ~ T S jodi bomb*:•.★.•: Let's Play!! ♥ƸӜƷ - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland West (INCALL))
Are u looking for aGeorgeous transexual very kinki beautiful ts click here im always on the mood 9Ff - 20
Are You TIRED OF FAKES? Look No More 💦👅 10In BAZOOKA 💦 ✨WEBSITE 👉 420+PARTY GIRL 👉 Demand Proof - 24
**ONLY 2 dayz lefT N t o wn *** NOT FROM UR T o W N...(* 10.5 U PO N arrival GURANTEED !! - 22
♥TS Kimberly Banxxx ♥ 10000% Real Pics, 10000% Nut Busting Fun... Leaving Soon.. - 20
(Upscale Beachwood Hotel..)
Ad•°o♥o°•★☆ [•♥•[ N*A*U*G*H*T*Y [•♥•] NEVER LOOKED [•♥•] THIS N*I*C*E -100% •♛!★☆• - 23
(Cleveland, East.bound)
Ad•°o♥o°•★☆ [•♥•[ N*A*U*G*H*T*Y [•♥•] NEVER LOOKED [•♥•] THIS N*I*C*E - •♛!★☆• - 23
(Cleveland, Brookpark rd)
Cute Sexy Puerto Rican Ts - A C T U A L P H O T O S ---What U See Is What U Get! - 21
(Cleveland, W.150(I-71))
(Cleveland, Westside)
Ad•°o♥o°•★☆ [•♥•[ N*A*U*G*H*T*Y [•♥•] NEVER LOOKED [•♥•] THIS N*I*C*E -100% •♛!★☆• - 24
(Cleveland, East.side)
(_(_(___ ALL NUDE ___)_)_) ___ NURU SLIDE ____ SEXY HOTT BABY ___ Real Pics ___ Erotic - 25
(Cleveland, Old Brooklyn/Brooklyn area)
*Beautiful Shemale=SEXY & SUPER HOT* Versatile {100% REAL}LOADED! LOADED! - 24
(Cleveland, Westpark)
CANTON // Big BOOTY Ts ★🏆NO COMPETITION🏆..Passible 💁Soft CurvY 💁🔝9nchFF🍆Vers B🍑tt🍑m💅👙💄💯%Real & Ready - 23
(Akron/Canton, BELDEN VILLAGE ext 💯%REAL Face Time ME, Cleveland)
100% Real hUng B*I*T*C*H☆ ANA ☆ CrEaMy Delight Im here to fit you're Needs Thats What I DO - - 24
(Cleveland, EASTSIDE AREA)
Sun 12 Jan
WEBSITE PROOF █████ █████████ _ ╠╣ØTTIE_ ₩/ 8 Inches ready NOW █████████ LAST DAY IN TOWN███ - 25
(Cleveland, Airport Area -- 71 & Bagley)
WE'RE BACK** 2 FOR 1 eXoTic BOmbshelL special A must SEE C@LL NOW 2162453577 - 22
(Cleveland, BEDFORD HTS)
WE'RE BACK** 2 FOR 1 eXoTic BOmbshelL special A must SEE C@LL NOW 2168081651 - 22
(Cleveland, BEDFORD HTS)
Sat 11 Jan
10"inches Exotic Ladyboy Ts Trina ** F * U * N * C * T * I * O * N * A * L ** 1st Timers Welcome - 21
(Eastside Of Cleveland -Apt)
Fri 10 Jan
(¯`'•.¸$uGaR & $piCe [ EvErYtHinG NiCe {TrY me OnCe} & You'LL CoMe BaCk] TwiCe ¸.•'´¯) 11c - 23
(Cleveland, west side upscale)
XXX Your personal Barbie Has Arrived! ♥ Paris Renaee....HEY MILK MANN WATCH ME CREAM ♥ - 23
TS Casey Im Everything You Need Plus More. 😍😋🍭 Proof Video 🎥📹 Outcall/Incall 🚙🏠 - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland / Shaker)
😘Kiss ME💋🍆▶️🥇BEST Ts🏆4 1st⏰GUyS🚶🏻🚶🏻💕💕💕💕Big B🍩🍩TY💕💕💕9"FF🍆💦💕💕💕Click MY Tumbler 💕💕💕 234 525 8433💕💕Come NOW - 23
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland, East AVE )in)💯%REAL Face Time ME)
Thu 09 Jan
★(Y_O_U_R_E) °°• ★•°° (G_O_N_N_A) °°• ★•°° (L_O_V_E__M_E) ★ (W_H_I_T_E) - 22
(Cleveland, ❤ Airport Upscale Outcalls ❤)
Are u looking for aGeorgeous transexual very beautiful ts click here im always on the mood - 20
Wed 08 Jan
✨🌻🌼🔸V🔸I🔸P🔸🎊PARTY GIRL 🎉BOMBSHELL👸🏾🌻 ✨ Ready to Please 💛 Your #️⃣1️⃣ C⭐️H⭐️O⭐️I⭐️C⭐️E 🍦🏵 Available NOW 💋💄 - 24
(Cleveland, I-90 Euclid Upscale)
Akron🍫Ts DESIRE🍫 Assume the possition✔✔ 9nch F/F 🍆📏 🍌🍯Sweet💦SOft💦BIG B00TY💦💋GREAT LIPS💋🍆💦👅 - 23
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland, West AKRON💯%REAL Face Time Me)
Tue 07 Jan
1 0 I N C H T R A N S E X U A L GoDDeSs Sabrina ExTREMELY SeXXy & fully FUNCTIONAL SOLID as a ROCK! - 22
(Cleveland, Westside/alone)
😘Kiss ME💋🍆▶️🥇BEST Ts🏆4 1st⏰GUyS🚶🏻🚶🏻💕💕💕💕Big B🍩🍩TY💕💕💕9"FF🍆💦💕💕💕Click MY Tumbler 💕💕💕 234 525 8433💕💕Come NOW - 23
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland, East AVE )in)💯%REAL Face Time ME)
**XOXO ° E X OT I C °*° KNOCK °*° OUT °*° CUTIE **XOXO** - 22
(Cleveland, Westside location)