Sat 11 Jan
Fri 10 Jan
👠👠YoUr Ex0t!c DØLL ~FaC€d~ Cu†¡€ 👠iS N؆H¡NG L¡K€ †H€ R€S† New Pix 👠👠* H¡GHL¥ R3v!ew€D ❤😘💨💋 - 24
(Cleveland, West airport area)
I'm Hot, CurVy n F!3xAb!3 AnD ReAdYy fOr WhAteVer YouR Tim3 aLwaYs my PI3asur3! 👍👍👍🌟🌟🌟💄👠👙 - 23
(Cleveland, Incalls west airport area)
Reviewed, Verifed, & Established Provider Of Leisure...[HOLLY] $100 SAFE & DISCREET 330-564-7406 - 28
(Akron/Canton, 1608 EAST AVE AKRON OHIO 44314)
33¤5415874! 8O* @§@P °oO (♥) Oo°( ¥UMM¥ ) °oO (♥) Oo @LL D@Y °oO (♥) Oo° - 22
(Cleveland, 271! Maple Heights, Ohio!)
Thu 09 Jan
YoUr H0t F!3xAble ❥E✖ΘTiC ⓒⓤⓣⓘⓔ❥ AMAZi₦G SkillS CΘME PlAy 💯% R€AL & Aw3s0m3 ReVieWs - 24
(Cleveland, West airport area 24hr Incalls)
★YoUr Mixed Exotic F!3xAb!3 Freak ☆†Õ€ CUrL¡NG ☆ H¡GHL¥ §K¡LLeÐ ☆ Aw§oM€ RevIew3s - 23
(Cleveland, west airport area Incalls)
I'm Feeling Really Hot Today!! Come Set Me on FIRE.Let Me Get You Hot Too!! - 25
(Cleveland, cleveland-west and some surrounding area)
Relaxin ~~~ Stress Relief Sensual $70 Massages. - 34
(Cleveland, Lorain,Avon, Sheffield Areas, Out /In)
Wed 08 Jan
#❶ In What I Do ★ Great ReViews ★ CrAzY CuRvEs★ AmAziNG SkiLLz! - 23
(Cleveland, West airport area off 480)
I Love WhAt I Do KinKy CurVy F!3xAb!3 ஜ ExOtIC Smart Freak With AmAzinG SkiLls AweSom3 RevIews - 24
(Cleveland, West airport area 24hr Incalls)
Tue 07 Jan
The Ultimate Playtime Playmate*** Erotic Seduction at its Best!!! Today Only!!! $100 - 27
(Cleveland, Independence/Cleveland Incall/)
SULTRY WOMAN Next door... Available 24/7..Real woman off W.130th! - 33
(Cleveland, Cleveland West 130th area)
Exotic Hot CurVy F!3xAb!3 n Ready aLwaYs my PI3asur3! Well Reviewed. Last Day Specials - 23
(Cleveland, west airport area 24hr incall / outcall)
💕wAkE uP 2💕☁✴🇭🇪🇦🇻🇪🇳 ⛅✴ 🅾🇳⛅🇪🇦🇷🇹🇭⛅✴••💋UR #1🔝 Pick ♥ LaSt DaY HeRE - 28
(♥) —TOP—(♥) —OF—(♥) —THE—(♥) —LINE—(♥) —LATiNA—(♥)Put Me To The Test , I'm Better Then All The Rest - 22
(Cleveland, WEST Airport Area Incalls)
SEXI LEXI SPECIALS! $70 & $100 half T.E.R. ID# 132764 or 117401 (216)355-6829 - 29
(W.150th & I. 71 Private Home)
💋💋lets fullfill ur hidden desires and fantasies💋💋 - 23
(Cleveland, airport area west side cleveland)
___ ____H______ ___ O ______ _ T _____ _____ T ___ ______E ____________ S ___________T _____ LATINa - 22
(Cleveland, Cleveland Incall)
Mon 06 Jan
TrUsT Me YoU'Re GoNNa GeT SuM GOOD RiGhT nOw => i giVe ReALLy FrEaKy - 21
(cleveland/ west side area)
°•°• NeW In ToWn •°•° I C@n Do M@gIc WiTh My ThIcK FuLL LiPs & CuRvY HiPs •°• $70-90-160 !!!!! - 18
(Cleveland, Airport Area/west 150th)
★Mixed Exotic F!3xAb!3 Freak ☆†Õ€ CUrL¡NG ☆ H¡GHL¥ §K¡LLeÐ ☆ Aw§oM€ RevIew3S☆ Specials - 23
(Cleveland, West airport area incall)
★☆◆MiXeD NaTuRaL BEAUTY◇◆ ♡♡REVIEWED & Ready To Make Your Night 1To ReMember♥♥ CoMe eXpLoRE★◇★★ - 23
(Cleveland, west airport area 24hr Incalls)
❤ ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❣ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ❤ ❣MADE 4 UR PLEASURE❣ ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄▀ ❣ ▀▄▀▄▀▄ ❤ NEW LOC.** - 24
(Cleveland, ★ ♥ WEST 480)) MY BED or YOURS)
Jump Start Your Day ~**~ Lunchtime Treats with TRUE 40G's~**~ Voluptuous Busty Beauty - 38
(Incall & Outcalls to many areas today.)
HoLa PaPi .. Ven AQui ★• ..I aM yOUr §UpEr §€Xy L A T I N A ★FaNTa§y ★ ♥ ( 1oO% R€aL) ✰ - 21
(Cleveland, West Airport Area 24hr incalls)
*Alll hours, til Mornin! Wheres MY mature Gentleman? Prepare for Bodyrub Heaven: SEXY, SAFE&Classy;D - 23
(Cleveland, 8min west of DnTown CLE/D.Shoreway Area!)
___▄ █ ☆ █•: ▄___ Wild ×X× Jaw ×X× Dropping ×X× Gorgeous Beauty ___▄ █ ☆ █•: ▄__ - 19 - 19 - 19 - 19
Want More? YoUr Ex0t!c DØLL FaC€ 👠iS N؆H¡NG L¡K€ †H€ R€S† 👠👠* H¡GHL¥ R3v!ew€D ❤😘💨💋 - 24
(Cleveland, West airport area)
♡♥♡ The AbSoLUtE BEST... ALwAYS WaRM, JuICY, & INvITING!!!! ♡♥♡ 50 spc Leaving Soon - 26
♡♥♡ The AbSoLUtE BEST... ALwAYS WaRM, JuICY, & INvITING!!!! ♡♥♡ 60 spc Leaving Soon - 26
Specials Last Day Here★Mixed Exotic F!3xAb!3 Freak ☆†Õ€ CUrL¡NG ☆ H¡GHL¥ §K¡LLeÐ ☆ Aw§oM€ RevIew3S☆ - 23
(Cleveland, West airport area Incalls / outcall most)
escorts: relocate to Cleveland and make 5-10k a 216 952 9277 for details... - 35
☀LatinA KnOcKoUt ★I CÂN ÐÕ MÂGIC †®IcK§ WI† MY HiP§ & FiNG€® †iP§ G3t m3 if u C@n - 23
(Cleveland, West airport area 2 girl special avail.)
Exotic CurVy F!3xAb!3 and Ready Your Time aLwaYs my PI3asur3! Well Reviewed Freak Let us Have Fun - 24
(Cleveland, West airport area 24hr incall last day)
💕wAkE uP 2💕☁✴🇭🇪🇦🇻🇪🇳 ⛅✴ 🅾🇳⛅🇪🇦🇷🇹🇭⛅✴••💋UR #1🔝 Pick ♥ LaSt DaY HeRE - 28
♥¤¤Better then the rest¤¤♥Dont cheat yourself with fakes♥ 100% real♥♡♥&& no texting! ♥♡♥ - 20
(Cleveland, airport area 《west》)
▅ ▆ █ *70&100$PECIAL$* ★eROTIC ( (FiLiPiNA ASiAN iSLANDER) )★NEW PICS!█ ▆ ▅ ▃ #1 pLAYMATE ★ - 19
(Cleveland, West Airport Area(INCALLS ONLY!))
💋I Love What I Do 💋 Exotic, F!3xAb!3 Naughty&Wild; ➰ plus a Sweatheart With AmAzinG SkiLls - 24
(Cleveland, West airport area 24hr Incalls)
#❶🎉🎊💯✔ 👍👍★ Great ReViews 😍💋💞💘👑CrAzY CuRvEs & AmazIng SkillZ👅👄😯 Specials! ★ - 23
(Cleveland, incalls west airport area)
💙💦💚💦💖 BIG FAT JUMBO 75 inch BUNNZ 💖💦💖💦 100% ALL REAL💛💦💛💦 46eee Chocolate Water Balloons 💖💦💚💦💛💦 VIDEO💦 Adult Star 💜💦 - 36
(Cleveland, West Suburban Area/ Safe/ Clean)
Amazingly Beautiful Egyptian princess! Incall in strongsville. Outcall available in YOUNGSTOWN - 27
(strongsville area)
amazingly beautiful exotic meditaranean delite.SPECIALS TONITE ONLYS!!!!!!!!! - 27
(strongsville area)
1OO% Rεaℓ ♡ #1 Pℓαγmαtε •♥• ↘яєα∂у т♡ ρℓєαѕє у♡u ✿ т♡ρ ♡ƒ тhє ℓιηє EB0NY ❤ - 20
(Cleveland, West Side/Airport Area Incall)
DOLCE DESIRES; the premier escort agency on the East Coast is now HIRING - 21
(Cincinnati, Cleveland, East Coast)
♥ YoUr SEXxy SWeeT & NAuGhty ★ LATINA★ FAnTASy (( 1000%ReAL & REvieWed ! )) ★ ViSITing ♥ - 22
(Cleveland, West airport Area incall & outcalls)
★too BEAUTiFUL for BP so Catch Me While U Can♥▒♥★👑 S=T=U=N=N=I=N=G ★♥▒█▒♥CUBAnA MaMi █★ 💯% REAL !♥▒ - 22
(Cleveland, WEST Airport Area)