Sun 05 Jan
***Natalia*****740 586 4673.......60*100* 150hr - 18
(Columbus, columbus north 161 upscale location)
The Greatest Show on Earth. . IN & OUTCALL SPECIALS $25off HOUR ONLY S€x¥ Matur€ Natura£ B£onde - 41
(Cleveland, West side)
theCANDY SHOP© IZ OPEN... Lunchtime specials. juiccy and deliccious.. the BEST menu 216-925-7894 - 19
(Cleveland, Parma/Independ./richmond/west side/east)
THE CANDY SHOP IZ OPEN ..... 2flavors .... 216-925-7894 - 19
(Cleveland, parma/maple/independence/beachwood/)
💘Miah Just The One You Need 💋💋 New Pics!📷And Video Outcalls&IncallsOnly; - 22
(Cleveland, Cleveland &Surroundin; Area Outcalls Only)
:-|:-| Miss CoOkiEs back in town and hot $ SwEeT :-|:-| - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland Garfield Hts Area 480)
:*¨¨*:: ;.:*´¯)HoT SexY PlaYmaTe HeRe VisitinG $100(¯ *:.; ::*¨¨*: - 20
(westside upscale location)
Hott 47yr., old--Thursday Special--60 Roses. 100% Real Pics --;-)--( -; - 47
(Cleveland, cleveland/west side)
Hey it's Mona I wanna play and I have a friend - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland Downtown, Downtown Cleveland)
☆°* FACE of an ANGEL___ BODY of a GODDESS *°☆ ___SEXY, SOFT, SENSUAL!!!! ** INCALL/OUT - 21
BRAND NEW 👑 GirL NeXt dOOr fetish friendly👸🏼NEW pictures💖 PeRfECt pLaYMatE 👑 WAiTiNG fOr YoU🌟 - 20
(Airport incall hablo español, Cleveland)
(Cleveland, Upscale Western Incall 90&Up; Jewels)
Specials...... S€x¥ Matur€ Natura£ B£onde...In/Out Call. $25 off hr In Call - 41
(Cleveland, jusr mins from downtown)
Start your w€€k off rit€.. (Sp€cia£s) S€x¥, Natura£ B£ond€ Cougar With Amazing Ski££s $25 off hr - 41
(Cleveland, West Side)
**SEXY BURNETTE** WHY CALL THE REST WHEN U CAN HAVE THE BEST? *well reviewed**recent pics** - 29
(Cleveland, NEAR THE AIRPORT/Westside)
Lebanese mixed Beauty Ms.Nina 34B Tattoos flat Stomach READY 2 Play Avl. NOW CALL me!! ROUND Booty - 23
(Cleveland, Westside Upscale Location Air Port)
I know I am Better than the Rest Now you come be da Judge Incalls Only. . - 22
(Cleveland, St Clair/Eddy Private Residence)
(GR€@T 8O SP€©i@L) TÕU©H M€ ——°•❤•°—— T€@S€ M€ ——°•❤•°—— F€€L M€ ——°•❤•°—— PL€@S€ M€ (2OOHR SP€©i@L) - 20
(Cleveland, <3 Eastside; 24/7 Local Incall Specials!)
FuNMaTuRe SeXy BrUnEtTe DraMa FrEe as long as u r ;-) GreatReviews INCALL NewArea JENNA 216~538~3398 - 30
(Cleveland, Cleveland's west side ;-))
Early Bird Specials Let my reviews be the reason... mature natural blonde - 38
(Cleveland, West Side)
Don't Cheat yourself Treat yourself...S€x¥ Matur€ natura£ B£ond€ $25 OFF hr in call. in/out - 41
(Cleveland, Eastside $25 off hr in calls. in/out)
☎️BOOK NOW 💯%Real NEW ✔️NEW ARRIVAL Freaky Diamond💦 - 21
(Columbus, Columbus ohio new arrival INCALL ONLY)
1OO§P£ (¯`★´¯) *¨¨* §@T¡§F@¢T¡¤N *¨¨**¨¨* *¨¨* Q%@£¡T¥ (¯`★´¯) (330)541-5874 - 27
(Cleveland, Cleveland; Between Willoughby & Eastlake)
( ( D R I V E R S - N E E D E D ) ) ) ) ) ADULT ENTERTAINMENT AGENCY - $$$ CASH DAILY !!!!!!!! - 40
Established Upscale Female Owned Agency Now Hiring! Gain financial independence now! - 37
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland, Ohio, Sandusky)
(¯`'?.+CLICK (¯`'?.+ON+ .?'´¯) ME .?'´¯)* SEXY * ! XxX= Naughty= NyMpHO With Specials!!! - 24
(Westside Cleveland)
♥Y∅U ⓣⓡⓘⓔⓓ Th€ Re§t ♡ N∅W C∅Me ⓣⓡⓨ Th∈ Be§t!⛔✋ NEW FLaWLeSS BⓔTTⓔR THAN HⓔR⤴️AND HⓔR⤵️ - 21
(Cleveland, Willoughby !)
Visiting Pittsburgh soon? Let me welcome you... ( note: I AM IN PITTSBURGH) - 34
(Cleveland, Columbus, Pittsburgh, PA)
$up€R 8O $p€©i@L ——°•❤•°—— TÕu©h M€ ——°•❤•°—— F€€L /\/\€ ——°•❤•°—— PL€@$€ /\/\€ (2OO h0u® SP€©i@L) - 23
(Cleveland, 90& Eastlake; 24/7 Local Incall Specials)
THE CANDY SHOP 70 KISSes incall special****** three flavors to choose from... 216_925-7894 - 19
(Cleveland, Parma/Independ./richmond/beachwood/etc)
Late Nite IN & OUTCALL SPECIALS $25off HOUR ONLY S€x¥ Matur€ Natura£ B£onde - 41
(Cleveland, West side)
~Heaven ~ Your best kept secret & Your fantsy come TRUE ~Available NOW ! - 38
(Cleveland, Cleveland westside suburb)
☆____( B )____( E )____( A )____( U)____( T )____( I )____( F )____( U )____( L )____☆ - 23
(Cleveland, Upscale location (Incall))
Ms.Beautiful xx 419-578-8321 Now offering two girl shows with Karmen!!!!!! - 25
(Toledo, Toledo and surrounding areas)
Outcall for incall Specials.. limited time ... S€x¥ Matur€ Natura£ B£onde... in/outcalls available - 41
(Cleveland, eastside)
Sat 04 Jan
**** ********* (WoW $60 SPECIALS) *CoME HAVE FUN ***** ITALIAN SOCCER MOM **** (NeW LoCATION) ***** - 32
(Cleveland, Northfield rd./Warrensville)
Well Reviewed.- Weekend Specials Natural Blonde Cougar $25 off hr in call. in call only - 41
(Cleveland, Eastside suburb in call only)
Thursday Special--55 Roses. 100% Real Pics --;-)--( -;--;-) !! - 47
(Cleveland, cleveland/west side)
*SPECTACULAR SUNDAY SPECIALS*Call Jenna 216~538~3398*new pix*well reviewed* - 29
(Cleveland, NEAR THE AIRPORT/Westside)
Sp€cia£s...... S€x¥ Matur€ Natura£ B£onde...In/Out Call. $25 off h - 41
(Cleveland, just mins from downtown)
⭐️SeXy BOOTY ( Y ) Slim Waist ❤Hazel Eyes😍 Pretty Natural Boobs(๏人๏)♥💕 -13234922468! 🎥🎥🍭💦 - 20
💘Miah Just The One You Need 💋💋 New Pics!📷And Video OutcallsOnly - 22
(Cleveland, Cleveland &Surroundin; Area Outcalls Only)
EarlyBird Specials....I'll do what she won't. Sexy Mature natural blonde Cougar.w - 41
(Cleveland, 10 minutes frm down town)
(¯`'?.+CLICK (¯`'?.+ON+ .?'´¯) ME .?'´¯)* SEXY * TIGHT & WET!!!! XxX= Naughty= NyMpHO - 24
⬛️⬛️⬛️ ⬛️⬛️⬛️ . THE CALIFORNIA. APPLE⬛️⬛️. TAKING ALL CALLS ⬛️⬛️⬛️ - 99
(Cleveland, Beachwood incalls)
❤️❤️ The perfect companion 💋💋 Ivy 216 347 0791💋💋 incall only - 18
(Cleveland, Middleburg heights/airport Incall)
START Your WEEKEND Off RIGHT Ill B UP All NITE! 100%me CALL JENNA 216~538~3398 wellreviewed - 29
(Cleveland, NEAR THE AIRPORT/Westside)
Outcall for incall Specials.. limited time ... S€x¥ Matur€ Natura£ B£onde... in/outcalls available - 41
(Cleveland, eastside)
o☆ K E E P Y O U C U M M I N G B A C K F O R M O R E . . S P E C I A L S o - 23