Mon 27 Jan
FreaKy To The CoRe! (♥) YoUr DiRtY LiTtLe SeCret SpEcIaLs - 35
(Cleveland, Middleburg Heights Airport Area 13O)
Exotic ebony playmate.. NADIA This Sweet petite island vixen always aims to please. Highly reviewed - 25
(Cleveland, west)
:* ☆ ¨*: ExoTiC BeAutY :* ☆ ¨*: SPECIALS :* ☆ ¨*: CuRvY BuStY BaBy :* - 22
(Cleveland, wickliffe)
Farewell Ohio!!!! $100 Sunday SPECIALS!! SeXy, BlOnDe, MoDeL, BoMbShElL.... "Available 24/7" - 22
(Cleveland Downtown, Beachwood)
*ღ* FrEakY BIG B00tY Companion *ღ* ThIcK Exotic PlayMate uP {24/7} - 22
(Cleveland, your place or mine)
Freaky Friday Early Morning Specials A little freak Outcalls ONLY - 21
(Cleveland, Out calls everywhere)
FaNcY RoZe' let me MakE It now ,45 min specials tonight only - 20
(Cleveland, westside incall & outcall)
°°Exotic Beauty°°" Magical Specials!" Sexy Blue eyed brunette - 21
(Cleveland, conveniently off 480)
Erotic BBW!The Real H Cups!Specials In&Outcalls; - 28
(Cleveland, Cleveland&Surrounding; Counties Outcalls)
💕💕Erotic Upscale Petite Discreet Beauty 💕💕 Specials💕💕Pure Satisfaction💕💕 - 21
(Cleveland, Outcalls/Cleveland)
Euclid/Willoughby incall&outcall; SPECIALS ❤️Sexy , SLIM , beautiful & fun!👭😘 💯%REALPICTURES!!😍 - 20
(Cleveland, Euclid/Willoughby area incall&outcall;)
ExXoTiC * $eN$uAL* wArM & $oFT *** CoMe iNdULGe ReViEwEd ~HOT Puerto Rican EARLY MORNING SPECIALS - 19
(Cleveland, Beachwood incall/outcall)
Early bird specials THE CANDY SHOP IZ OPEN .. COME GET A TASSSTE 🍬🍩🍰🍨🍫🍯 call me 216-925-7894 - 22
(Cleveland, outcall only)
Early morning n Late Nite specials Erotic massages n Private Dances 24/7 3303419091 - 19
(Cleveland, Cleveland/Newburgh heights)
ExOtic » » SPECIAls!!! « « SPECIAls!!! « « :O I DoiT LiKe No OTHeR ¡! L A T I N A ¤ - 22
(Cleveland, * * C L E V E L A N D ^ I N C A L L * *)
EXoTiC DyMe EaRLY Bird SpeCials B4 9pm 36DDs GrEeN EyEz and BiG BoOtY - 26
(all cleveland area out calls only)
*** EbONy *** PrInCeSs *** BubBle ButT *** BeSt B@@tY On DuTy *** - 26
(all areas surrounding Cleveland)
♡ ♡ E _X _O _T _ I _C ♡ ♡ LATINA ♡ ♡Iam Awake ♡ CALL ME 4 Quality ♡LATE NIGHT OUTCALLS - 21
Evening Incall Just For You *~~~*~~~* Voluptuous Busty Beauty - 39
(Cleveland, REAL FUN ~*~ SPECIALS)
☸ (◕◡◕) ☸ {{ EARLY BIRD MORNING SPECIAL }} ——— {{ NEW INCALL SPECI@LS!!! }} ☸ (◔◡◔) ☸ - 28
(Cleveland, ✉NORTHFIELD✉ ☵♋ I-271 ♋☵ INCALL/OUTCALL!)
Exotic ebony playmate.. NADIA … This Sweet petite island vixen always aims to please. Highly reviewd - 25
(Cleveland, west)
exotic baby doll "call me" let's play baby~Morning Specials~ - 19
(Cleveland, Warrensville Hts>>Private location)
Don't wait come warm up best specials♡♥♡♥♥♡specials with ms.michelle♥♥♥♥♥♡♥♡♡ - 25
(Cleveland, lakeshore/euclid incall/out)
!!!!!! ExCLusiVe !!!!! SunnY With A Chance !!!!! Specials all day !!!! 80 - 26
(( EARLY BIRD SPECIALS )) ::*¨¨*:: ;.:* (( mOuTh WaTeRiNg sKiLLs )) (( suPeR fReAkY )) *:.; :*¨¨*: - 21
(*+*WiLLoUgHbY ArEa*+*)
🎄EarLy BiRD 🎅STOP 🎄RiGHT THΞRΞ !! 🎄RoSé 🌹🎄 HOLIDAY 📦🍰BeAuTy🎄🎀💯🎅 🎊Specials!!🎁💕 - 21
(Cleveland, Eastside in out to your bed)
-•⭐E X O T I C -•⭐ B R U N N E T E -•⭐P L A Y M A T E -•⭐ ⭐ - - 35
(Cleveland, Cleveland ~ Slavic Village ~ SPECIALS)
DoMiNiCaN, iNDiaN & EbOnY MiX ---------- (MuST CliCk) ---------- Only ---> [$()$] - 20
(west airport snow bagley i71)
♥‧‧─ ♥ ────‧‧‧E*SSENC*E freaky && ready 2 play 50 roses specials‧‧‧──── ♥ ─‧‧♥ - 23
(Cleveland Downtown, ♥♥♪Lakewood ♬ Westside♥♥ outcall aval)
❤️🌇Early bird specials🌇💛...keep me company....let me take you there 😌😍😘 - 24
(Cleveland, Euclid incall)
Early Bird Special: LANA Blow Out Sale $50.00 Good till 12pm Noon Up All Morin!!! - 25
Blue Light Specials ..Natural Blonde Cougar $25 off hr in call - 41
(Cleveland, 10 mins from down town)
*** c about specials ~ jazzi ~ descret ~ sexy ~ no disappointments massage also*** - 22
(Cleveland, **descret incall**)
*-:¦:-* BREATH *-:¦:-* TAKING *-:¦:-* SPECIALS *-:¦:-*TODAY ONLY DDD'S THAT MASSAGE - 22
(Brand New FRE@K OF TH@ W33K) MISTRESS AMANDA 305 968 0425 im ready boiz - 27
★----- Brand New To Your City ___ Specials All Day & Night ___ Always In The Mood -----★ - 19
(Cleveland, Running Specials In & OutCall*100*)
°[= [ Âb§OLutLy ] =]° °[= [ ÂmÂzInG] =]° °[= [ iNd pnDnT] =]° °[= [ PLÂ ¥MÂT] =]°Lunch Specials - 25
(Cleveland, westside)
Bigger Girls Do It Better! Find Out With Sexy BBW Sabrina's Summer Specials - 26
(Private West Side 44102)
CaLiFoRnIa'S fInEsT♥ pRiVaTe DiScReET In CaLL ♥ aVaiLaBlE aLL nIgHt - 23
BUSTY HOTTIE ×°x°× My Super Wett {END ZONE} Is Waiting For Your {TOUCH DOWN} ×°x°× - 25
★_ BUSTY _☆_ _☆_ BRUNETTE ° ❀ ° SPECIALS ° ❀ ° ¯`·._.· ☆ - 30
*$* Busty, Beautiful, Brunette, Goddess waiting to fufill your desires! ASK ABOUT SPECIALS!!*$* - 22
(Cleveland, W. 130th and Brookpark rd.)
brazil Puerto rico papi Ven A jugar conmigo papi 24/7 (ADD¡Ct¡V € ★( HoT)★(1oO%REAL )★( ReAdy - - 20
(Cleveland, Westside airport papi)