Mon 06 Jan
Come warm up with the one and only Bubbles on your lunch break :-) - 25
(Columbus, Columbus and Surrounding Areas)
Sun 05 Jan
💋❤ Dont Miss Your Chance to meet the one and only Bubbles💋❤ - 25
(Columbus, Columbus and Surrounding areas)
Private Dancers & Escorts - NO Experience Necessary - Columbus VIP Escorts - Cash Paid Daily - 25
(Columbus, Columbus & Surrounding)
H,i I am Mariah Come and get me Nothing more should need to be said I am ready - 23
(Columbus/Surrounding Area)
~BBW THICK~✔ &★ JuiC££ ★$ $ 85 in call Special$° 100$ outcalls ... SpeciaLs !!! - 25
(Columbus, Columbus and surrounding area)
HonestYoung lady needing REAL help! SERIOUS&kind; only Pls! Needs Home to live/rent TONIGHT!Temporary - 22
(Cleveland, west cle)
Hi, I am Mariah and I have been waiting all day to be your Dream Date Call me I am waiting - 23
(Columbus and Surrounding areas)
Would You Like Some Company This Evening? (Sweet Naomi - Mature White BBW) - 42
(Cleveland, Cleveland (Outcall))
★ Blonde Playmate (( Erotic & Seductive)) X-Rated Entertainment ★80 , 120 , 200 - 22
♡ ( G O O D ★GiRL ★B @ D★ HABiTS ) C@l!fORNiA CUT!3 ♡ CHOCOLATE GODDESS - Orange County - 21
(Cleveland, Orange County and surrounding area)
Sat 04 Jan
Bubbles is back tonight Gentlemen.... Let me give you the experience of a lifetime - 25
(Columbus, Columbus and Surrounding areas)
Hi I am Mariah and I would love to spend time with you Come and Get Me - 23
(Columbus/and Surrounding Area)
$60 Special Hot Sexy but classie looking for good company - 28
(Columbus, North and surrounding areas)
✿ ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ GoRgEOUS PeTiTe Redhead AvAilAblE NoW~!~!~! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ •✿ - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland/Akron)
Fri 03 Jan
(NEW) All Natural ((★EXOTiC ★)) B0MB$H€LLS * ☆YOU Will L♥VE OUr SK!LLS ☆ !NCall 0UtCa!! - 24
(Cleveland, westside incall/outcall)
Sooooo GoOd yOu'Ll WaNnA LiCk YoUr FiNgES aFtEr... LaSt NiTe In ToWn... - 21
(CLEVELAND/downtown ((IN&&OUT;)))
▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃ ☆ BEAUTIFUL UPSCALE BLONDE ☆ ❤ A V A I L A B L E NOW ❤ ▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆ - 23
(Cleveland, OUTCALL! ..wherever YOU are!)
★NEW Blonde Playmate ((( Erotic & Seductive))) X-Rated Entertainment ★80 , 120 , 200 - 22
★80/100/125 $PECIALS ☆ Highly Skilled ☆ Perfect Choice ☆ Dont Miss Out ★ - 27
(Cleveland, East Cleveland)
💋 24/7 💋 Mrs. SaRaH 💋 💋 Lorain county ( Locally KnoWN & AppReciaTeD ) 💋 💋 - 23
(Cleveland, Lorain County .!)
▓ ❤ StuNNing NeW BloNDE MaiN AttraCTion ❤ ▓ 216 212 2531 - 23
Mariah here and ready to be your dream girl I am hot and ready Come and get Me - 23
(Columbus/Surrounding area)
Upscale Country Club/Spa...Companions & Entertainers Needed - 21
(Akron/Canton, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Surrounding Areas, Toledo, Youngstown)
Thu 02 Jan
●♥● I AM A NATURAL at ●♥● relaxing your mind & body And being very●♥● NAUGHTY ●♥● - 30
(Columbus, outcall N cols. & closely surrounding)