Sat 04 Jan
THE CANDY SHOP IS OPEN .. T@$ty Treats...80hhr sunday special.. 216-925-7894 - 20
(Cleveland, outcall ONLY)
💋💋Special $$100 Out Calls come see the new sexy Jamie last night hear💋💋😘 - 23
(Cleveland, Euclid Out calls)
(¯`.°. ★.° Specials °. ★.°.´¯) Dont look Call me NOW! - - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland / beechwood/lakewood)
*SpEcIaLs...CALL NOW...OPEN 24hr Fri & Sat* CoMe SEE WhY I'M "THE BOSS B**CH of BP w/5 StAr SKILLZ - 29
(Cleveland, INCALL ONLY in Cleveland & All Suburbs)
-:¦:- -:¦:- SPECIALS-:¦:- -:¦:- CAUTION!! DANgEROUS sKiLLs !!!!! -:¦:- -:¦:-SPECIALS -:¦:- -:¦:- - - 21
► S W E E T B U S T Y B R U N E T T E . . 2 4 / 7 $ 6 0 S P E C I A L S◄ - 22
***🎀🎀🎀ONLY 100 This AM til 6pm ONLY💋Why Not Indulge Yourself💋 Call SIERRA (216)835-9431 - 45
(Cleveland, Cleveland West)
°o©°* (LaSt HoUrS!!) °o©°* ((=BLUE EYED=)) °&©° ((=BARBIE=)) °o©°($80$ SPeCiAlS){UP 24HRS} - 22
(**~MeNtOR~ InCALL~**)
newDDD ! Visiting ONLY 2 DAYS! The Best Experience!The Best Experience! - 27
(Cleveland, Independence Cleveland)
⎷⎛ o°* Sultry & Insatiable Vixen... Pulse Racing Excitement! *°o ⎷⎛ - 27
(Cleveland & Surrounding)
---(¯`'.¸ ?¸.'´¯) NO ONE -:¦:- DOES IT-:¦:-LIKE ME (¯`'.¸? ¸.'´¯ - 26
(downtown in/outcall 24/7)
Good Evening~~ ~LOOKING FOR A NEW TOY?~~~ Blue Eyed Brunette ~~~~To Your Place???~~~~* - 27
✿ ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ GoRgEouS PeTiTe AsiAn PLaYMaTe ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ •✿ - 21
(Cleveland, OUTCALL! ..wherever YOU are!)
I Am One Of A Kind When It Comes To Customer SATISFACTION*** [HOLLY] $100 330-564-7406 - 28
(Akron/Canton, 1608 EAST AVE AKRON OHIO 44314)
hey gentlemen im available incall all day today #614/902/5315 fullfill all your needs incall. - 21
(Columbus, west Columbus)
▆▓▓❀▓▓▆▃ ☆ BEAUTIFUL UPSCALE BLONDE ☆ ❤ A V A I L A B L E NOW ❤ ▃▆▓▓❀▓▓▆ - 23
(Cleveland, Cleveland/Akron)
£__¥___Athena Available Always___¥__£ ***** don't wait***** 60 specials***** call now - 25
(Columbus, west/ in call only)
☆ #➀ CHOICE☆ SPECIALSnow☆ ╚» ExoTiC NauGhTy GiRL nExT dOOr 💦 ❥αvαiℓabℓε ➜ 10000%REAL★ - 21
**Mz.Pink** Early Bird Specials** Cleveland 216-322-6821** - 20
(Cleveland, East Cleve superior incall 24/7)
Naomi 💦👑❤️ Beautiful Mixed Latina and Italian Princess 💋🍓🍦🍭 - 20
(Cleveland, Outcall only!!! Westside ONLY!!!)
~*~ ~*~{MiXeD BeAuTy} "WaItiNg FoR U" {ToUcH ThiS BooTy} ~*~100 SpEcIaL~*~ - 22
(Cleveland, AiRpOrT ArEa 24Hr InCaLl)
❤️💚PETITE💛💜 ⭐⭐⭐💋♥💋〰 SEXY 〰 ♥💥♥💥♥💥♥💥💥♥ SEDUCTIVE 💥♥💥♥💥♥💥♥BRUNETTE💥♥💥♥💥 MOLLY 💋♥💋 - 19
(Akron/Canton, Cleveland, Your Place)
Last night in town deals👅Head of a goddess ✨BOOTY 4 Sinful pleaaure💥56Inches sure to please by any measure✨💥 - 23
(Cleveland, Euclid,oh)
▓ ▒ ░ * ❤.•* L✪ ✪K *•.❤* ░ ▒ ▓ ♥•♥ •♥• ABSOLUTELY ★ SEXY•♥•♥ •♥ ▓ ▒ ░ * ❤.•* L✪✪K *•.❤ - 23
L00king f0r s0me h0t fun 0n this late night. Ambers here t0 satisfy all y0ur needs. Safe incall. 30$ - 23
(Cleveland, Euclid)
Let Me MAKE YOUR BEAT Independent â Beauty
(Akron/Canton, Ashtabula, Athens, Chillicothe, Cincinnati, Cleveland, Columbus, Dayton, Huntington/Ashland, Lima/Findlay, Mansfield, Sandusky, Toledo, Tuscarawas County, Youngstown, Zanesville/Cambridg)
Late Night.. Exactly what ya like! 💋Open to almost ANYTHING! 2162454840 - 27
(Cleveland, cleveland West)
•••► Lay on my ★ Soft Round ★ Plump Pillow ¯`'•.¸ ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀-:¦:- BOOTY -:¦:-▀▄ Ready Now - 22
(Columbus, In&Outcalls; /E,Columbus/Brice Rd.)
LAST DAY!/40top /50/60ss Incall SPECIALS!! ME OR ITS FREE 💯%Real latina mixed beauty - 22
(Cleveland, northfield/EASTSIDE/warrensville/420)
Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ __(L)__(O)__ (O)__(K)__ ✖ LiMiTED TiME ONLY ✖ __(L)__(O)__ (O)__(K)__ Ƹ̵̡Ӝ̵̨̄Ʒ - 19
(Cleveland, independence)
Last Day Specials Exotic Hot CurVy F!3xAb!3 n Ready YouR Tim3 aLwaYs my PI3asur3! Well Reviewed - 23
(Cleveland, West airport area incalls $80$hh)
Lakewood Incall ((BuStY BeAuTy)) 42 {F} ArAbIc/ LaTiNa MiX ((Well Reviewed - ID 185338)) - 21
(Cleveland, Lakewood Incall)
I C@n Be very N@ughty!.... **** Come See Wh@t @ll The T@lks @bout**** well reviewed - 21
(Cleveland, southeast in-out)
ExOtiC LaTiNa ~~~~ LaLoni ~~~~ ExOtiC LaTiNa ~~~~ Avalible NoW..! - 21
(Cleveland, airport incall/ outcall sorrounding area)
EXOTIC Busty Asain Isabella✿✿✿✿ Hottest Asian ✿✿100% Good service 614-907-4218 - 20 - 20
(Cleveland, 5 days visit in clevland Asain sweet)
Exotic DaNcEr and FeTiSh Queen ready to serve you like the King you are - 23
(Cleveland, 216 440 outcalls)
Early Bird Specials...Don't Cheat yourself Treat Yourself...Sexy, Natural Blonde Cougar - 41
(Cleveland, East / West Out Call Only)
EARLY SPECIALS B4 4:00 ♥° ♥° ♥° sweet slender girlfriend ♥° ♥° ♥° **Available Now** - 22
(Cleveland, airport)
-:¦:- XxX RATED -:¦:- HoT & NaUGHTy -:¦:- PLaYMaTe! :::60Q.. 100HH!!!! Available TiL 3!!!!! - 19
Chocolate Treat 🍫🍫 60$ In Call Specials 💦💦100$ Outcalls Come play - 22
(Cleveland, Westside in/out calls sur. areas)
BuBbLe BuTt aMaZiNg SKiLlS eXCeLLeNT SeRViCe uNBeaTaBLe RaTeS - 21
🎖Certified to be ⚠️slippery🌊 when you slide 💦🍆 Super 🛠t!ght 💕pretty kitty😻 - 24
(Cleveland, Outcalls Only)
°•○●👑CHASITY👑●○•° [HiGHlY REViEWED😏📝✔️] °•○●BANGIN BODY●○•° [Clevelands Finest🌟🏆] Let Me Ease Your Mind - 24
(Cleveland, Lorain County🎀 iNCALL)
VaLiDaTeD & SaFe 5 StAr PrOviDeR w/ ExCeLLeNt ReViEwS *SECRET* (TER#147950) - 24
(Airport Area/ Westside (80 $pecial))