Sun 05 Jan
VIDEO PROOF in ad!!! 216-925-8856 Sexy ALEX EAST Suburban area only READY and AVAILABLE Nov20pic - 26
(Cleveland, East suburbs)
BLONDE BLONDE 38DD.. (*) !*! !Today Only !!150 H 120 HH.. TER REVIEWED - 25
(Rockside & Independance)
Beautiful,Mixed,Clean & Discreet ...special Qs 50 roses hhr 100 roses Incall - 25
(Cleveland, Westside)
ADORABLE SEXY SULTRY *LEXI* Cav's Special$60 Quick Visit! $90 Half (216)355-6829 - 29
(W.150th & I-71 Private Residence)
*75/100 SpEcIaLs* AVAIL 4p-11p...CoMe & SEE WHY I'M the BO$$ B**CH of BP w/ 5 StAr SeRvIcE - 29
(Cleveland, Garfield hts)
❤️50/50/50▀▀❤💥💥💥 The streets talk we want VERONICA💥💥💥💡Call to c what all the Chatter is about 50 SP💋💋 - 19
(Cleveland, Outcalls East side of CLeveland)
________The Official MsHuneyDip for Hot erotic service!!!! I guranteed you pleasure with me !!!_____ - 26
(In CLevELand area)
((((*Tha Best Part Of Waking Up Is Audi In Your Cup *)))) Call Am Ask About My Specials !!! - 22
(Cleveland, West clevland//150th)
6'O §P¢£§ @££ M¤ND@¥ o★o ° M¤NK¥ °o★o ° §P¢¡@£¡§T °o★o° F@T P£UMP JU¡¢¥ N¡PP£§ - 21
(Cleveland, @§T; ¡N¢@££; $VR@N¢; 3305415874; 24H)
70/100 weekend & daily specials with Mz. Slippery .... - 24
(Cleveland, east suburbs / cleveland incall,Euclid)
Specials ❤️With ms .Michelle Come slide on my waterfall☔️🌈☔️🌈☔️ - 25
(Cleveland, Incall.cleveland.lorain county)
((★ SiMPLy AMAZiNG!* ★ ))((☆OnLy 4'11☆)) (( ★ SexY PeTitE CaRaMeL CuTiE! ★)) - 19
(Cleveland, Airport Incall)
Sexy , Sweet , Suprise 💯satisfation guarantee - 22
(Cleveland, Clevland independence ,incall, outcall)
!! S E X Y ❤ N A U G h T y ❤ U N F O R G E T A B L E `` Daytime 100 Special ! ! ! -24 - 24
(Cleveland, off i480 tiedeman rd. in&out; calls)
"Pinky's XX Pleasure Room"Incalls Only 80 Special Call Me Now 216-466-4727 Pinky* - 24
(Cleveland, New Location- Harvard area/MY ROOM)
Ph@† @$$💋💋 G®£@† Môu†h💋💋what more could u ask 4;) C¿m P@®†y w/ Jui¢¥ J@¥den @ 216💖860💖2967 - 19
(Cleveland, eastside in/ out 2 ur bed)
🔥💦Ready for some HOT Fun 👋👅💋 5'4" Recent pictures 100% ME 💎 - 22
(Cleveland, Euclid avenue near downtown)
Play Date w/Melonie & Luscious ****Specials All Night & Morning**** Call Now! - 22
(Cleveland, cleveland - incall ONLY!)
NEWEST ESCORT SERVICE in cleveland! Donations for any budget. Spanish/ blk wht/ eygptian all RACES! - 21
NEW PiCs 👯available N💋W U P S C A L E 💋 100% Real Pics! 💋 Sexy Blonde Busty🍌si espanol - 21
(Cleveland, Willoughby mentor painesville in/out💋💦)
!!!! I have a great track record why waist your time!!! check my reviews - 21
✿ ❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ GoRgEOUS PeTiTe CoLuMbiAn AvAilAblE NoW~!~!~! ▬▬▬▬▬▬▬❤ ▄▀▄▀▄❤ •✿ - 21
█ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ █ GORGEOUS~! ~! ~! Slender Sexi Canadian Beauty ! ! ! █ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ █ - 21
**GIA** Taking Early Morning Appt!!! $100 Ss Specials!!! (440)319-0326 - 25
(Cleveland, Lake County mentor)
EASILY - if u rub me the right way honey (skinny, sincere, sane, white-asian mix) - 22
(e 185th - euclid)
~Double team dream ~ come make us Cream & Moca - 19
(Cleveland, warrensville hts, beachwood,Macedonia)
Do U Need 2 Have Some Fun!!! $160/In or $200/Out!!! Taking Appts. All Day& Night!! - 25
(Cleveland, Independence In/Outcalls Anywhere U R)
😱😍😍 Cherokees B@ck 👠👑💄 re@l de@l incalls 24/7@ must 👀👀👅👄✊🌊🌊🍭🍬 A1 - 25
(Cleveland, outcalls-incalls💋💋💋)
216-925-8856NEW sexy VIDEO in LINGERIE!!!(Sound works)BLONDE barbie ready and available - 26
(Cleveland, Downtown incall hotel)
100% Real Pics & Real Service so Why wait Call Nicole (808)631-8966........ Hours 10am-4pm - 26
(Cleveland, Southeast Cleveland (808) 631-8966)
☎️☎️❥▬▬▬▬▬❥◆◆ 100% REAL◆◆ ❥▬▬▬▬▬❥◆◆GORGEOUS Blonde BABYGIRL◆▬❥◆◆SUPER SEXY◆◆▬NAUGHTY - 22
(Cleveland, Lakewood Ohio)
2 Intelligent blonde bombshells. Are you ready for a REAL WOMAN or 2? - 27
(Cleveland, W Cleveland. 5min frm 90,71,&dwntwn.;)
Escorts Safety, Safety, Safety 2k to 4k a week and free private condo to live-safety is 1st concern
Sincere,Sweet,Sexy & So much fun! ❤️ 100% INDEPENDENT 💛 VERY Friendly & VERY clean ❤️ - 29 - 29
(Cleveland, Northfield/miles incoming/out)
█▒ °☆°T H E °☆°U L T I M A T E °☆°E X P E R I E N C E °☆° █▒ - 27
(Cleveland, Incall Cleveland West 480)
SUPER FREAK!!!!! My Name Is Mz. Karmel. I'm 5 "7", With Perky Breasts And A Soft And Round Booty. - 25
(Cleveland, eastside incalls only)