Sat 04 Jan
.*¨¨*-:¦:- *NEW IN TOWN E X O T I C __ P L A Y M A T E SPECIALS* -:¦:-*¨¨*. -- - 21 - 21
(Cleveland, Cleveland,OH)
New New New.... Hot Classy Playmate Available For Classy Gentlemen Big Knockers!!!!!
(brunswick area)
NEW .. L@@K *** IF ThIs Is NoT WhaT YoUr LoOkiNg FoR Than YoU dON't KnOw WhAt Is !! **** L@@K NEW - 21
🎀NEW🎀 ✯HOT BUSTy PLAYMATE!!★ A1★✯ 100% REAL★✫ Seductive✫ 💋College ✩VIXEN XXX💋✯ - 23
(Cleveland, Independence Incall)
♥️♥️New♥️♥️ 🌟HOT•GIRLZ •4• YOU🌟 513-370-9184 ••2Day*Only•• - 24
(Cincinnati, Outcall Only NOHOTELS 513-370-9184)
★Mixed Exotic F!3xAb!3 Freak ☆†Õ€ CUrL¡NG ☆ H¡GHL¥ §K¡LLeÐ ☆ Aw§oM€ RevIew3S☆ - 23
(Cleveland, West Incalls / outcalls most)
MmM MmM MmM FiNGeR LiCKiN GooD!!! AsK AbOuT My SPeCiALs - 28
It's not a 💰💰BEAUTY CONTEST💰 💰it's a💰 💰DUTY CONTEST💰 💰@ I'm a Contender in 💰💰BOTH !!! 💰💰 - 35
(Cleveland, harvard /77)
Exotic Hot CurVy F!3xAb!3 n Ready YouR Tim3 aLwaYs my PI3asur3! Well Reviewed - 23
(Cleveland, West airport area incalls)
Come explore my cave..Best of both worlds... Sexy ts Amazon beauty here for your pleasures 100% real - 22
(Cleveland, e55/77 topless)
Catalina n Celeste Taking Appts. New Number 2168003366.. Stop Browsing. Were IT. . - 23
(Cleveland, Warrensville /480/Northfield. Racino)
Can You Handle Six Feet Of Waterfall Wetness, Succulent Suction, And Explosive Erruptions? - 23
all str8 and curious guys try a hot latin transsexual best of both worlds $100 first timers special - 23
(Cleveland, 422east Solon Area private/safe)
Come explore my cave..Best of both worlds... Sexy ts Amazon beauty here for your pleasures 100% real - 22
(Cleveland, e55/77)
Wknd stop by spcl 80_100 34DDD 25 36 toned sesnsual escot&massage; reviews pic/vid verifiable - 36
(Cleveland, cleve s independence and west)
This could be the best thur you ever had come see what youve been missing out on !!!!!!! - 32
S£x m£ SunDayS [ i'LL eVeN cOmE 2 YoU ] ¤1OO% SeXy & Fre@kY _ $80 sPeCiaLs aLL dAy - 21
(CleVeLanD AirPorT AreA)
Seeking someone sweet, sincere, smart and SUPER SEXY for a Dinner Date??? - 40
(Cleveland, Cleveland, OH. and world wide.)
***🎀🎀🎀ONLY 100 This AM til 6pm ONLY💋Why Not Indulge Yourself💋 Call SIERRA (216)835-9431 - 45
(Cleveland, Cleveland West)
***🎀🎀🎀ONLY 80 QV Special Til 5 TODAY ONLY💋Why Not Indulge Yourself💋 Call SIERRA (216)835-9431 - 45
(Cleveland, Cleveland West)
AdiDAs GirLS All nIGhT SpEciAls= Bring ThE New YeAr In WiT A - 24
(Cleveland, wesT SiDe/ incall & OuTcAll)
Last Day Specials Exotic Hot CurVy F!3xAb!3 n Ready YouR Tim3 aLwaYs my PI3asur3! Well Reviewed - 23
(Cleveland, West airport area incalls $80$hh)
Ex0t!c Fr3aK ★ *♚* Sw€€T & R€ad¥ *♚* H¡GHL¥ §K¡LL€D *♚* H¡GHL¥ R3v!ew€D *♚* §¡MPL¥ ¡RR€§¡§tABL€ *♚ - 24
(Cleveland, West airport area 24hr incalls)
,,extra KINKY supaFR3AK SE$$ION STARTING @$50 call me ASAP 3135233899 - 19
Exotic Hot CurVy F!3xAb!3 n Ready Your Time aLwaYs my PI3asur3! Well Reviewed. - 23
(Cleveland, west airport area incalls)
**Candy Everything Special My Place $200-$l000 White Female 4ODD Bra Bleached Blond to Satisfy You** - 32
(Cleveland, Cleveland /get off i90/)
Can You Handle Six Feet Of Succulent Suction, Waterfall Wetness, And Explosive Erruptions? - 23
(Up All Night)
°°BeSt OF boTh woRlD's U PICK @ CHOOSE **JaZzmIne @ » LISA 216 2035514 - 26
(Cleveland, CLEVE-West Oldbrooklyn my place safe@hon)
Double Your Pleasure ****** AND ******WE LOVE TO GET DIRTY WITH BOYS ************ !!!!
70_100 honest verifiable,Italian34DDD 25 36massage&escort; toys/fetish 90calls fri sostayed wk&bored;! - 36
(Cleveland, cleve s independence)
STOP L@@K 100% L@@K IT IS the SEXIEST BBWS you have ever SEEN !!!!!!! - 30
(Cleveland, RIGHT OFF OF ROUTE 77)
Seeking someone sweet, sincere, smart and SUPER SEXY for a Dinner Date??? - 40
(Cleveland, Cleveland, OH. and world wide.)
I want us both to have an amazing memorable experience. No Rush & Intelligent conversation - 32
(Cleveland, East)
If Your Looking For Quality & Personal Service...YOU'VE COME TO THE RIGHT PLACE !!! 330-564-7406 - 28
(Akron/Canton, 1608 EAST AVE AKRON OHIO 44314)
Friday play w my DDD.s ? new vid sensual & sexy Italian day&eve; today - 36
(Cleveland, cleve s independence)
CUM~~~ explore the 4*~*~ walls of a true FANTASY** my girlfriend is here ALSO** - 21
(east cleveland area)
DaMn tHiS {K ! T T Y} gOOd & i PrOMisE YoU'LL gET HOoKeD_ aLL mOrNiNg + I'm WeLL reVieWed - 21
(-AirPorT 24hr InCaLLs -)
day &eve; 34DDD 25 36 Italian/athletic sensual/kinky do both escort& massage/bodyrub fetish - 36
(Cleveland, cleve independence)
best of both worlds ( Must See ) 100$ a hour all night 2163126485 💦💯👑🌹🍒💳💰 - 22
(Cleveland, eastside incall outcall only)
Black and italian beauties Natasha or April. Come play with us! 100 dollar special working all nite! - 24
(cleveland hts, dwntown cleveland)
A*S*A*P specials ...starting @ 65... in/outcalls ... 24/7 - 21
(Cleveland, In/outcalls...24/7...anywhere)
*█* ► *'"* ☆ *J E S S I C A:* ☆ *'"* *((SeXy *NEW* pics))* (216) 903-4865 - 27
(Cleveland, Cleveland/LocaL *iN&ouT;*)
WOMAN owned and operated company hiring Local and Touring ladies - 30
(Cleveland, NJ/PA/Most cities)